Post:New Empath Stuff to Enter Testing Soon (tm) - 10/01/2013 - 00:16

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Re: New Empath Stuff to Enter Testing Soon (tm) · on 10/01/2013 12:16 AM CDT 1087
>>For severity reduction, does that include vitality transfers (and if so, does that include transfers via Heart Link?)? What about poisons and diseases?

Hmm, no it doesn't. That I can recall anyway. I can look into adding this and seeing if it isn't too zany of an undertaking. It will not include heart link, however. Poisons and diseases are off of the table for now, since from what I know we're going to be overhauling that whole system soon. Or maybe just eventually? But anyway, it would probably be a waste of dev time to sink too much time into anything poisony or diseasy only to have to rework all that stuff due to updates/changes to those systems anyway.

When the systems are in a more settled state, we'll see.

>>I'm a little confused about the amount of healing produced by the Hand of Hodierna ability.<<

The healing is really slow. Lore-wise, it's sort of just seeping through to you, you aren't controlling the healing as directly as you are in the normal healing system.

How it works is you get a pool of X points per person. For someone with low skill, that may be 10 (numbers made up, but for simplicity's sake.) For someone with higher skill, that may be 30.

You can, no matter what, improve at most ten wounds per patient, and at most three points per individual wound. This ability is NOT like current regen. It's closer to old regen when you first got it. This ability is not meant to let you rapidly burn through a bunch of patients at once, it's meant to sort of stay on top of those gradual accretions of wounds that happen in combat that isn't a slaughter on either side.

And, with low skill, there is a chance of the Empath "receiving" up to three times more wound than they healed. Since the max wound you can heal is 3 points, the most you will ever receive is 9 points. The chances of this happen diminish with skill until you will always get a straight 1:1 transfer at somewhere around 600 ranks. However, the wounds you heal are always random and there's no way to choose or prioritize what gets healed.

I know that's pretty confusing. The Hand of Hodierna is not a fine-tuned healing technique, and the randomness of it is meant to reflect that a bit.


Redirect only works with the traditional healing. Hand of Hodierna and Unity are not transfer methods that can be finely controlled. For that kind of control, your best bet is old reliable.

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This message was originally posted in The Empaths \ Healing Systems, by DR-MELETE on the forums.