Post:Necromancy and kin - 12/10/2009 - 00:11:08

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Re: Necromancy and kin · on 12/10/2009 12:11:08 AM 8228
Sorry for the late response on this. I haven't been keeping up with the boards of late.

I cannot speak for how the Rakash as a race will deal with necromancers in general or Rakash necromancers specifically.

On the Prydaen side of things, the lore is pretty simple. Necromancy is abhored by all Prydaen NPC's that are not themselves necromancers. I put in the qualifier as I cannot rule out a deviant Prydaen Necromancer at some point in the (hopefully) far distant future. This said, the role of identifying and dealing with them has been outsourced. Tenemlor has tasked the Claw of Tenemlor members with this duty and aids them in identifying those who are corrupted by necromancies.

This will NOT mean that CoT members will patrol the lands and using GM special knowledge kill every single person who is guilded in that guild, nor even Prydaens who are. But it does mean that when those Claw members are active, I will personally ensure they have a tool to read the divine outrage that a necromancer has incurred. If you are on the radar of the Gods, they get to know about it when they run across you. If you are a Prydaen Necromaner that has high Divine AND Social outrage, they may even choose to seek you out.

For the rest of the race, kinslaying is still what it is and once you've killed them, short of necro-grafts and other very obvious giveaways, it becomes hard to defend yourself of that charge. But I'm going to let you in on a little secret here that I imagine most people should have been able to figure out long ago. We cannot actually enforce the Kinslaying rules in game as the lore lays them out. It's just not feasible, nor is the essential permadeath anything we have mechanics or plans for.

1) The lore states that those who are accused of Kinslaying must be tried by the gods with the Claws of Eu and Demrris acting as intermediaries. This would require too much GM time and resources than can feasibly be put in right now.

2) They are then branded and their tail cut off. Right now, we do not have the mechanics to do this in any enforcable capacity.

3) The lore also states that once so punished they have to find redemption before their death or else their soul is destroyed by Tenemlor. This means that favors would become irrelevant and your next death would be a character loss unless you have "repented" sufficiently between now and then. Obviously not going to happen.

Long story somewhat shorter, it is the lore but it isn't enforcable. How you all choose to react to it is something we leave to each of you individually. Just as we allowed the story of Meerc to play out in your hands and we did what we could to support your ability to do so, we'll let things go here as well. But we still will always strongly discourage Kinslaying and do what we can to support the Lore. So if you ask a random Elder about person X being a Necromancer, their response will be to leave it in the hands of the Claw of Tenemlor.

Obviously, consent rules trump all else here in regards to what you can or cannot do in regards to pvp conflicts. If you decide to take matters into your own hands with regards to a Necromancer, Prydaen or otherwise, we the staff strongly recommend you read up on the consent rules in full (news 5 24 and 5 25) and make full use of the profile verb.

GM Oolan Jeel

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms (12) \ Prydaen - The Hub (14), by DR-OOLAN on the forums.