Post:Breaking News! - 06/27/2012 - 11:39

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Breaking News! · on 06/27/2012 11:39 AM CDT 350
In a fit of rage, Kssarh decided to do something about the hole in the Crossing Guild. Empaths and Clerics have already been notified and await the expected casualties.

Asharshpar'I has had a makeover so it will no longer suffer from an identity crisis when it runs into Mintais when they go out for drinks or whatever it is that pieces of dead moons do for fun.

Lomtaun has finally gotten around to cleaning up the wreckage of the turtle on Taisgath. Apparently it was interfering with his cool.

Inspired by Lomtaun, a rogue angiswaerd ate the remains of the tower that once housed the turtle in Throne City. Reports indicate that the angiswaerd will survive the ensuing stomach ache.

And in a final bit of news, Gylwyn decided to go camping and reclaimed her old tent from the roof of the Pierless Inn to aid in her pursuit of this endeavor. Unfortunately, unforeseen rains quickly dampened her plans and she, like, totally ruined her hair.

-Goldcap 12 Anlasaen News Network

This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-RAESH on the forums.