Intelligence (stat)

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Intelligence improves the size of your experience pools, and is used in magical 'spell versus will' contests, among other things.

Training Locations


inside Asemath Academy front gate, go west, go west, go north, go northeast
(can use DIR intelligence)

[Asemath Academy, Classroom]
This classroom is done in tones of golden yellow and a gentle aqua. Brightly varnished desks and chairs form neat rows facing the instructor's desk. A large map of the world is hung from the front wall and a smaller map of some region unknown to you hangs next to it. You also see a large sign hanging on the wall above the lectern.

The Crossing, Map 1


Academy, Lecture Hall, go gate, s
(can use DIR intelligence)

[Academy, Lecture Hall]
This small room is not designed like the other lecture halls found in this academy. Here, chairs sit in small groups of three to four, with each cluster having its own professor assigned. Several discussions are taking place, while some instructors wait for students to join their group. A large slate board dominates the room and has something written on it.

Riverhaven, Map 30


Jack Tarr's Rest, Darkened Corner, go door, go common room, go corner

[Jack Tarr's Rest, Darkened Corner]
A wooden booth dominates this corner of the common room, its surface scarred by hundreds of brawls and warped by spilled ale. A seedy Halfling sits at the booth, clutching a mug of some dark liquid in his hand.

Ratha 1st Tier, Map 90

Aesry Surlaenis'a

[Misrel Lemicus'a, Shoan Sulihean]

[Misrel Lemicus'a, Shoan Sulihean]
In a small alcove beneath the stairs, an Elothean scribe sits behind a large wooden table, staring at a piece of parchment and muttering to himself. Puzzles of all types lie on the table, as well as several books of riddles. A large sign hangs on the wall behind him.

Aesry, Map 99


In Moon Mage Guild

[Moon Mage Guild, Maze Entrance]
Seated on the floor with his legs crossed is a Gor'Tog wearing a tan buckskin coat and a jaunty green cap with a feather in it. There is a sparkle in his eye when he glances up as if he's about to have a bit of fun. The room is unfurnished except for a small oaken table with a pair of crutches leaning against it.

Shard, Map 67


Chedik Bridge (south towers), go door

[Chedik Bridge, Engineer's Tower]
This cluttered chamber at the bottom of the tower looks more like a classroom than a base of operations for maintenance of a massive stone structure. There are several benches facing a desk behind which a large dusty slate is bolted to the wall. A prominent sign is posted to one side of the slate.

Hawstkaal Road, Map 119