Bard Spells 3.0

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Name Abbrev Type Skills Slots Min Prep Max Prep Difficulty Book Availability
Aether Wolves aew Battle Area Debilitation 1 1 20 1 - Introductory Fae Arts Live
Blessing of the Fae botf Non-Battle Area Augmentation 1 5 20 2 - Basic Fae Arts Live
Eye of Kertigen eok Battle Area Utility 1 5 20 2 - Basic Fae Arts Live
Glythtide's Joy gj Battle Area Warding 1 5 20 2 - Basic Fae Arts Live
Nexus nexus Non-Battle Area Augmentation 1 5 20 2 - Basic Fae Arts Live
Sanctuary sanctuary Non-Battle Area Warding 2 10 30 2 - Basic Fae Arts Live
Albreda's Balm alb Battle Area Utility\Debilitation 1 8 23 2 - Basic Emotion Control Live
Abandoned Heart abh Targeted Area Debilitation\Targeted Magic 2 15 60 4 - Esoteric Emotion Control Live
Rage of the Clans rotc Non-Battle Group Augmentation 2 15 100 3 - Advanced Emotion Control Live
Faenella's Grace fae Non-Battle Area Augmentation 1 1 20 1 - Introductory Emotion Control Live
Misdirection mis Battle Area Debilitation 3 15 100 3 - Advanced Sound Manipulation Live
Demrris' Resolve der Battle Area Debilitation 3 15 100 3 - Advanced Sound Manipulation Live
Drums of the Snake dots Non-Battle Group Augmentation 3 15 100 3 - Advanced Sound Manipulation Live
Ellie's Cry elc Non-Battle Area Utility\Augmentation 1 1 93 1 - Introductory Sound Manipulation Live
Harmony harmony Non-Battle Single-Target Augmentation 3 25 100 4 - Esoteric Sound Manipulation Live
Hodierna's Lilt hodi Non-Battle Area Augmentation 2 5 25 2 - Basic Sound Manipulation Live
Resonance resonance Non-Battle Area Augmentation 2 15 100 3 - Advanced Sound Manipulation Live
Breath of Storms bos Targeted Single-Target Targeted Magic 1 5 100 2 - Basic Elemental Invocations Live
Caress of the Sun cars Non-Battle Single-Target Utility 0 1 18 1 - Introductory Elemental Invocations Live
Desert Maelstrom dema Battle Area Debilitation\Augmentation 2 5 20 2 - Basic Elemental Invocations Live
Phoenix's Pyre pyre Targeted Area Targeted Magic 2 15 60 4 - Esoteric Elemental Invocations Live
Redeemer's Pride repr Non-Battle Group Warding 15 100 Live
Naming of Tears not Non-Battle Group Warding 2 15 100 3 - Advanced Live
Whispers of the Muse wm Augmentation 5 100 Live
Echoes of Aether echo Ritual Augmentation 3 100 600 3 - Advanced Live
Words of the Wind word Ritual Augmentation 3 80 600 2 - Basic Live