Astrology skill

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Astrology lets the Moon Mage"Moon mage" is not in the list (None, Bard, Barbarian, Cleric, Empath, Moon Mage, Necromancer, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, ...) of allowed values for the "Guild association is" property. study the heavenly bodies for insight into the future. For some this is a calculation of space, time, and probablity, for others it takes on a more spirital and ritual nature. The results are the same. Through careful observation predictions can be made on people's abilities either to their benefit or detriment. There are several different tools available for the aspiring astrologer, or the use of the mage's mind alone. Nearly 70 heavenly bodies are able to be studied as you increase your standing within the guild.

Eventually the mage even gains the ability to broadly study the heavens and gain insight into what events may happen in the future.

Using careful observation and study, Moon Mages can also predict the weather, with increasing accuracy and insight into the future as they age.

For further study, read the novel written by Fateweaver Caelumia Y'laeth: A Beginner's Guide to Astrology

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How to Astrology

Start by casting spells that aid in stargazing:

Clear Vision,Piercing Gaze are a must, and Aura Sight helps. PG helps to see through clouds/inclimate weather.

I prep cv 5, pg 6, and aus 10

Observe sky to show me what is up there.

Now when starting out DAYTIME gazing will be much easier to do in my experience and I felt I learned faster. Start with the sun. If you are starting out try the day instead of night!

Pick one. If you do not have a telescope (get one asap and a case or Yugen will scold you on proper care of stargazing tools, ask Locistone.)

If you have a telescope, remove it from your case, extend it if it is extendable and CENTER telescope on <target>. Yes you can do this on the sun. Good thing clear vision protects us from retinal damage from staring at the sun!

Otherwise just OBServe <target>

You should see something this:

You scan the skies for a few moments. You focus your enhanced sight, through some of the cloud cover, upon the late morning sun. Fully half of the late morning sun is blocked by the clouds overhead. You struggle to make your observation through the clouds. The sun shines with a steady, yellow light.

  • You learned something useful from your observation.*

You want to see the message You learned something useful from your observation.

Now lets align ourselves to the right skillset for this object.

I use

The sun is listed as Survival and Offense.

put Align survival

Now predict future <self> <skillset>

So predict fut Yugen survival

This shows the following:

You look inside yourself in an attempt to see beyond the now. After a few moments, the mists of time begin to part. You see snow falling upon a high, stony mountain. You see a mouse being stalked by a cat. A woman stands in darkness surrounded by wildlife. A sudden feeling of warmth pervades your soul.

Now this is random, take it how you will IC, but as far as I can tell, nothing important.


Will will give you one of two things:

A translucent *sapphire tree* that resolves into a mushroom. It pops out of existence the moment you notice it. A Prydaen man stands immediately before you. Something about him seems strangely familiar.

A translucent *ruby tree* that resolves into a mountain. It pops out of existence the moment you notice it. A Prydaen man stands immediately before you. Something about him seems strangely familiar.

If the first part is a shade of BLUE, you just gained a positive affect to that skill. I guess this mushroom is an analogy for OUTDOORSMANSHIP (or foraging previously).

Recently, they added a new message to let you know when you can observe the sky again. The message is:

You feel you have sufficiently pondered your latest observation.

You should now be able to start again. Please note, since there are MULTIPLE survivals options, as long as the sun is up, you can observe it again! You could choose to align to a specific skill and change that (something I may or may not do in script form eventually) and then switch when you go through all those skills, but again with two skill objects like the sun or magpie, you can use them over and over quite a few times before needing to move on, but I have not tested this in depth and welcome discussion/correction as I am a newb in terms of Moon Mage and Astrology.

The ability to choose a SPECIFIC skills might be based on your astrology, so for beginners, just do a GROUP and roll the dice. You are doing this for learning!

I hope this helps.