Category:Barbarian Abilities

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Ability Type Skill Difficulty Path Cost Prereqs Effect
Buffalo Form Augmentation Intro Flame 1 0 Bonuses Encumbrance
Dragon Form Augmentation Intro Horde 2 1 Bonuses OF
Eagle Form Augmentation Intro Predator 2 1 Bonuses Held Bow or throwing weapon.
Swan Form Warding Basic Flame 2 4 Weak Potency Barrier
Piranha Form Augmentation Basic Predator 2 4 Balance and Evasion Boost
Monkey Form Augmentation Basic Flame 1 2 Reflex Bonus
Python Form Augmentation Basic Horde 1 2 Parry Bonus
Badger Form Warding Advanced Horde 2 7 Weak SvS Barrier
Owl Form Augmentation Advanced Predator 1 5 Perception Bonus
Wolverine Form Augmentation Advanced Predator 1 3 Advanced speed boost
Bear Form Augmentation Advanced Flame 2 5 Strength and Warding Boost
Toad Form Warding Expert Horde 2 5 Elemental Damage Resistance
Turtle Form Warding Expert Flame 2 7 Strong generic magic barrier (potency)
Panther Form Augmentation Expert Predator 1 6 Stealth Bonus
Avalanche Berserk Augmentation Intro Horde 1 0 Pulsing Fatigue Regeneration
Famine Berserk Augmentation Basic Flame 1 1 Pulsing Vitality Regeneration
Tornado Berserk Augmentation Basic Predator 2 1 Shield and Stamina Bonus
Wildfire Berserk Augmentation Basic Horde 2 3 Agility and Damage Bonus
Earthquake Berserk ? Advanced Horde 3 4 Engaged Damage over Time
Flashflood Berserk Augmentation Advanced Predator 2 3 Pulsing AntiStun/AntiWeb/Standup
Cyclone Berserk Augmentation Advanced Flame 2 3 Charisma and Voice Recovery Bonus
Volcano Berserk Augmentation Expert Horde 3 6 Un-killable by normal means. Cannot be used in many other abilities.
Tsunami Berserk Augmentation Expert Flame 2 6 Increases Balance and Power of held weapon, reduces chance of critical miss
Hurricane Berserk ? Expert Predator Pulsing Dispel, reduces mana in area
Anger the Earth Roar Debilitation Intro Horde 1 0 Unbalance enemies
Death's Embrace Roar Debilitation Basic Horde 1 1 Debuffs to-hit chance of enemies
Everild's Rage Roar Debilitation Basic Predator 1 0 Debuffs enemy defense
Screech of Madness Roar Debilitation Basic Flame 2 3 Debuffs Discipline and Reflex, making it easier to land other roars
Serpent's Hiss Roar Debilitation Advanced Horde 1 5 Makes enemies flee the room
Kuniyo's Strike Roar Debilitation Advanced Predator 3 4 Stun + Knockback
Mage's Lash Roar Debilitation Advanced Flame 3 6 Primary Magic Debuff and chance to interrupt spell preparation
Wail of Torment Roar Debilitation Expert Horde 2 7 Immobilize
Mana Torment Roar Debilitation Expert Flame ? ? Drain Mana, not currently active.
Slash the Shadows Roar Debilitation Expert Predator 3 7 Knock out of hiding, and stealth debuff
Death's Shriek Roar Debilitation Expert Flame 3 7 Drop enemy to his knees, and penalizes shield skill
Flame Meditation - Intro Flame 0 0 Shows Inner Fire Level
Power Meditation Inner Fire Basic Flame 1 1 Shows Durations of abilities remaining
Unyielding Meditation Augmentation Basic Horde 1 2 Athletics Skill Bonus
Contemplation Meditation Augmentation Basic Flame 1 2 Defensive Bonus
Bastion Meditation Warding Basic Predator 2 4 Strong barrier versus agility contested attacks
Seek Meditation Augmentation Basic Predator 1 0 Outdoorsman-ship Skill boost
Staunch Meditation Augmentation Advanced Predator 2 5 Stop all bleeding for a time
Tenacity Meditation Warding Advanced Horde 1 2 Physical Damage resistance
Dispel Meditation Augmentation Advanced Flame 2 3 Removes all magic on barbarian
Focus Meditation Augmentation Expert Horde 1 1 Lock/Trap Bonus
Serenity Meditation Warding Expert Flame 2 6 Very strong magic potency barrier. Blocks other abilities from being in effect.
Prediction Meditation Augmentation Expert Predator 3 5 If you get disabled (stun/immobilize/web/knockdown), you dive-roll out of the area and away from harm.

Dual load, warstomp, and area roars will each require 1 slot special maneuvers. They are not currently available.

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