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Graphical layout of Forfedhdar
In the mountains west of Zoluren and Ilithi lies the Dwarven territory of Forfedhdar, also inhabited by the Gor'Togs. While Dwarves have always been known for their reticence, in recent memory no commerce and precious few rumors have come out of this region.
According to Master Cartographer Benkero, Hibarnhvidar is a wonder of Dwarven engineering. Enormous waterwheels put the Segoltha River to work, providing fresh water and electric lighting throughout the city. However, these claims have not been verified, and Benkero has encountered difficulty in organizing and funding an expedition.
An ancient Dwarven village, Nenav Dalar once thrived on mining and the trade of exotic goods. In recent years, no word at all has been heard from the village or any of its inhabitants.