Mystical Machinations (1)

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Mystical Machinations
Event Guildfest 398
# of Rooms 3
Store Type Magic shops
This store only accepts Lirums


[Mystical Machinations, Entryway]
Tendrils of ice blue mist swirl in an hypnotic dance around a coruscating orb of dark cerulean light that hovers in the center of this chamber. Walls of pearlescent white marble encase the strange building like a tomb, lending a feeling of solace and remoteness to this Enchanter's workshop. You also see a shimmering fire-shrouded portal, a swirling shadowy rift, a glistening icy mist, an elegant crystal-paned sign, an ornate silver stand with a glistening ethereal tome on it and a glowing portal.
Obvious exits: northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest.

The sign reads:

Welcome to Mystical Machinations

We specialize in providing the finest books on the mystic arts to be found in all of Elanthia. Spellbooks themselves may be purchased in the surrounding chambers:

Northeast: Paladins East: Empaths Southeast: Rangers
Southwest: Moon Magi West: War Magi Northwest: Clerics
South: Bards

If you choose to build one of the advanced spellbooks, you may return here and utilize the orb to access other chambers that hold accessory wares for spellbooks.

LOOK at the orb to see where it currently points.
RUB the orb to change its target destination.
TOUCH the orb to open a portal to the target destination.

The Silver Mists

[The Silver Mists]
Silver mist flows all around, obscuring everything but a luminous ethereal orb floating eerily before you. You also see a pristine platinum sign.
Obvious exits: out.

The sign reads:

Custom Spellbook Creation

To create your own spellbook, you must manipulate the ethereal orb various ways. Your creation can be viewed within its depths as you progress. Utilize the actions listed below to manipulate the orb's vision of your spellbook.

TOUCH -- Changes the cover style of the spellbook.
TURN -- Changes the cover writing style.
POKE -- Changes the spellbook's title.
RUB -- Changes the style of pages filling the book.
TAP -- Changes the style of writing on the pages.

Spellbooks cost a base of 350000 Lirums. Each choice you make may affect the price of the final product. LOOK at the orb to view the various selections you have made, as well as the current price of your creation.

When you are satisfied with your creation: BUY SPELLBOOK

NOTE: Spellbooks will be bonded to the person who buys them! DO NOT purchase a custom spellbook for anyone but yourself!

WARNING: Spellbooks may be damaged if stored improperly. You may wish to purchase a spellbook case or a chain to allow you to wear your spellbook before you actually make your purchase. To purchase these items, return to the entryway of the shop. The orb will lead you from there!