Property:Messaging is

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Description: A property for messaging, such as verb syntax outputs or spell messaging.
Type: Text

There are currently 271 items in this property, 25 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
'''TRACE <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You draw a circle around your face.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' just traced a circle around her face.<br/> '''TRACE <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You trace ''<Player>'''s outline.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' traces your outline.<br/> '''TRACE <item>'''<br/> ''You see'': You trace an outline around ''<item>''.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' traces an outline around ''<item>''.<br/> '''TRACE <some random text>'''<br/> ''You see'': You trace your hand randomly through the air!<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' randomly traces her hand through the air!<br/>  +
'''TRILL (non-Prydaen)'''<br/> ''You see'': You make a gurgling sound in the back of your throat. It's rather uncomfortable.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' makes a strange gurgling sound in the back of her throat, looking uncomfortable.<br/> '''See Prydaen messaging below.'''  +
'''TUNE <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You rub your nose.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' rubs her/his nose.<br/> '''TUNE <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You tweak ''<Player>'''s nose!<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' tweaks your nose!<br/>  +
'''TURN <item>'''<br/> May be used with a wide variety of verbed items and items in the environment.  +
'''TWIDDLE'''<br/> ''You see:'' You twiddle your thumbs.<br> ''Others see:'' ''<Player>'' twiddles her/his thumbs.<br> '''TWIDDLE <self>'''<br/> See custom race-based messaging below.<br/> '''TWIDDLE <Player>'''<br/> ''You see:'' You gaze through ''<Player>'' while twiddling your thumbs in thoughtful contemplation.<br> ''Target sees:'' ''<Player>'' seems to be gazing through you as s/he twiddles her/his thumbs.<br> '''TWIDDLE <item>'''<br/> ''You see:'' In a show of coordination, you drum your fingers upon <item> while twiddling your thumbs in agitation.<br> ''Others see:'' In a show of coordination, ''<Player>'' drums her/his fingers upon <item> while twiddling her/his thumbs in agitation.<br/> '''TWIDDLE (holding one item)'''<br/> ''You see:'' You try to twiddle, but you have something in your hands. It's an interesting thumb exercise, though.<br> ''Others see:'' ''<Player>'' looks like she is exercising her thumb -- how odd.<br> '''TWIDDLE (holding two items)'''<br/> ''You see:''You try to twiddle, but your hands are full. Don't drop things!<br> ''Others see:'' ''<Player>'' fumbles with some items in her/his hands -- what is s/he trying to do?<br>  +
'''UNBRAID MY HAIR'''<br/> ''You see'': You unravel your braid.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' unravels her braid.<br/> '''UNBRAID <name> HAIR'''<br/> ''You see'': You unravel ''<Player>'''s braid.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' unravels your braid.<br/>  +
'''UNCOIL ROPE'''<br/> ''You see'': You uncoil your rope. <br/> ''Others see'': <character> uncoils his/her rope.  +
'''TIE <item>'''<br/> See below for specific uses. Additional uses are also possible; wherever you can TIE something, chances are you can also UNTIE it.  +
'''WAGGLE <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You waggle your fingers mystically.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' waggles her fingers mystically. Ooh...impressive.<br/> '''WAGGLE <Player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You waggle your fingers mystically at <Player2><br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' waggles her fingers mystically at you! Ooh! Scary!<br/> '''WAGGLE <item>'''<br/> ''You see'': Okay, you waggle your fingers at <item>. Nothing happens.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' waggles her fingers at <item><br/> '''WAGGLE <body part>'''<br/> ''You see'': What were you referring to?<br/> ''Others see'': ''nothing<br/>  +
'''WAIL'''<br/> ''You see'': You begin an eerie, warbling wail of despair.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.<br/> '''WAIL <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You look at ''<Player>'' and let out an eerie, warbling wail of despair.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' looks at you and lets out an eerie, warbling wail of despair.<br/>  +
'''WAIT'''<br/> ''You see'': Time drags on by...<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' seems to be waiting for something.<br/> '''WAIT <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': Time drags on by...<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' seems to be waiting for inspiration.<br/> '''WAIT <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': Time drags on by...<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' seems to be waiting for you.<br/>  +
'''WAKE'''<br/> ''You see'': You rub your eyes.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' rubs his/her eyes.<br/>  +
'''WAVE'''<br/> ''You see'': You wave.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' waves.<br/> '''WAVE <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You fan yourself.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' fans her/himself.<br/> '''WAVE <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You wave to ''<Player>''<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' waves to you<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' waves to ''<Player>''<br/> '''WAVE <item>'''<br/> ''You see'': You waggle your fingers at <item>.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' waggles her/his fingers at <item>.<br/>  +
'''WEATHER (while outdoors)'''<br/> ''You see'': You glance up at the sky. + ''<weather conditions>''<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' glances up at the sky.<br/> '''WEATHER (while indoors with a door/window/portal opening to outdoors)>'''<br/> ''You see'': You glance outside. + ''<weather conditions>''<br/> '''WEATHER (while indoors)>'''<br/> ''You see'': That's a bit hard to do while inside.<br/>  +
'''WEEP'''<br/> ''You see'': A tear runs down your face.<br/> ''Others see'': A tear runs down ''<Player>'''s face.<br/> '''WEEP <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You look at ''<Player>'' and start to weep softly.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' looks at you and begins weeping softly.<br/>  +
'''WHAT'''<br/> ''You see'': You scratch your head, looking around in confusion.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person>'' scratches ''<his/her>'' head and looks around with a confused expression.<br/>  +
'''WHIMPER'''<br/> ''You see'': You whimper.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' whimpers.<br/>  +
'''WHINE'''<br/> ''You see'': You whine and complain, probably annoying anyone within earshot.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' whines and complains bitterly and generally manages to act like the world was created specifically to inconvenience her.<br/>  +
'''WHISPER <Player> / GROUP''' <message>'''<br/> ''You see'': You whisper to ''<Player>'' (or ''<Players>'').<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' whispers to you, <message>.<br/> ''Others see'': ''Nothing.''<br/> '''WHISPER VISIBLE <Player> <message>'''<br/> ''You see'': You whisper to ''<Player>''.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' leans over and whispers to you, <message>.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player1>'' whispers something to ''<Player2>''.<br/> '''WHISPER VISIBLE GROUP <message>'''<br/> ''You see'': You whisper to ''<Player>''.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' leans over and whispers to your group, <message>.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' appears to be whispering to those in her/his company.<br/>  +