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 Min held protectionMax held protectionMin arm-worn protectionMax arm-worn protectionHindranceWeight
Dark gold ironwood buckler embossed with a snarling silver tigerdismalbetter than fairfair95
Dark ironwood buckler painted with a field of seven-pointed starsdismalbetter than fairfair95
Dark ironwood buckler painted with a graceful white swanrather lowgood
Dark ironwood buckler painted with a snarling shadowmasterdismalfairfair95
Dark ironwood buckler stenciled with the image of a grinning white skulldismalbetter than fairfair95
Dawnfire steel shield with glowing truegold inlayfairexceptionalvery goodmoderate187
Deep blue buckler embedded with nine golden starsdismalbetter than fairfair95
Deep bronze buckler engraved with an ebony panthervery poormoderately goodmoderate140
Discolored potter's wheellowhighfair140
Dull grey oval shield starkly painted with a black horned skullvery poormoderately goodmoderate140
Dwarven iron skirmisher's shield caked with mountainous layers of volcanic rockfairexceptionalvery goodmoderate187
Dwarven iron skirmisher's shield embellished with asini crowslowvery highgoodmild125
Dwarven warrior's shieldvery poormoderately goodmoderate140
Ebony oval shield with painted flowerslowvery goodmild125
Ecru oval shield embossed with gold midwinter sickle blossoms around the rimlowvery goodmild125
Eight-sided curved shielddismalbetter than fairfair100
Eight-sided medium shielddismalbetter than fairfair100
Eight-sided oval shieldvery poormoderately goodmoderate150
Embossed bronze shield with black onyx inlayvery poormoderatemoderate140
Embossed pageant shieldvery poormoderately goodmoderate150
Engraved kiralan curved shield with a luminescent starshine overlayrather lowgreatgoodfair150
Engraved medium shield with a mischievous turniprather lowgood
Engraved silver white shielddismalbetter than fairfair90
Enormous mistglass saucer with a ghostly-white sheenrather lowgreatgoodfair150
Forest green oval shield decorated with a snarling brown wolverinevery poormoderately goodmoderate140
Gem-encrusted medium shield depicting the plight of a river frograther lowgood
Gilded harp-shaped buckler inlaid with sparking lightning amethystsvery poorgoodminor48
Gilded pageant shield artistically engraved with the image of a winged peccarydismalfairfair100
Gleaming steel pavise inlaid with a slender mother-of-pearl lilyfairgoodmoderatefair100
Gleaming vardite deflector traced in glowing truegoldlowgreatvery goodmild125
Glittery coralite skirmisher's shieldrather lowvery goodmoderatemild125
Gnomish battle shielddismalbetter than fairfair100
Gnomish shielddismalbetter than fairfair100
Goat-hide shield painted with a majestic lion proudly seated on a sand dunedismalfairfair100
Gold-embossed oval shieldvery poormoderately goodmoderate140
Gold-inlaid medium shield emblazoned with a ferociously scowling turniprather lowgood
Gold-washed oval shield emblazoned with a bunch of chickensrather lowhighfair
Goldenoak shield painted with green vertical stripesrather lowhighfair140
Green-scaled buckler painted with a raging centaurvery poorgoodbetter than fairminor48
Hammered brass shield inlaid with tooled leatherrather lowgoodminor100
Handcrafted oval shield emblazoned with a charging oxvery poormoderatemoderate140
Heavily studded targevery poormoderately goodmoderate160
Icesteel buckler displaying an array of blued moonsilver shardsrather lowhighfair62
Icesteel oval shield with a black charging ram in the centerlowvery goodmoderatemild125
Icy-white ironwood buckler featuring a dark grey stormclouddismalbetter than fairfair95
Imposing vardite oval shield shrouded in jeweled lyrandia vinesrather lowgreatmild150
Iron shield painted with a fluffy cloudpoorhighmoderatefair100
Ironwood bucklerdismalbetter than fairlowfair95
Jousting shield (1)very poormoderately goodmoderate150
Jousting shield (crafted)