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 Min held protectionMax held protectionMin arm-worn protectionMax arm-worn protectionHindranceWeight
Medium bucklerrather lowgood100
Medium buckler (crafted)
Medium shielddismalbetter than fairfair100
Medium shield (metal)
Medium shield bearing electrum silhouettes of big catspoorgoodfair100
Medium shield painted with the image of a galloping horsemanrather lowgoodminor100
Metal oval shieldpoorvery goodmoderatemild125
Notched wooden shieldvery poormoderatefair140
Orange oval shield embedded with black steel studs in the shape of a grinning facevery poormoderately goodmoderate140
Ornate enameled buckler filigreed with a white gold lotuspoorgoodfair100
Ornately carved medium shield embellished with a golden turniprather lowgood
Oval ironwood buckler carved to resemble a large sea turtledismalfairfair100
Oval seaturtle shell shield with dark leather strapspoorgoodfair100
Oval shieldvery poormoderately goodmoderate140
Oval shield (metal)
Oval shield affixed with twin red-gold cobrasvery poormoderatemoderate140
Oval shield engraved with shesegri etchingslowvery highmild125
Oval shield painted with an applerather lowhighfair
Oval shield painted with assorted nautical knotsvery poormoderatemoderate140
Oval shield with a brightly painted Jolly Rogervery poormoderately goodminor140
Oval shield with a brightly painted jolly rogervery poormoderatemoderate140
Oval shield with a painted albatross in flight over a rough seavery poormoderatemoderate140
Oval steel shield emblazoned with a giant mechanical spiderlowvery goodfair140
Ovoid steel buckler embossed with a black iron ravenpoorhighfair100
Painted buckler with a bull's head on the frontpoorgoodmoderatefair100
Painted circular buckler depicting a coiled naga in bright greenmild
Painted oval shield bearing the image of an octopusrather lowhighminor95
Pale blue oval shield embossed with a polished steel dolphinvery poormoderately goodmoderate140
Pale hide shieldvery poormoderately goodmoderate145
Pale silver buckler branded with the outline of a sea-tossed caraveldismalbetter than fairfair100
Pale yellow buckler painted in a simple style with a white chickendismalbetter than fairfair100
Patterned wickerwork shieldvery poormoderatemoderate140
Pavisevery poormoderatemoderate140
Pewter serving platter shieldvery poorgoodbetter than fairfair100
Plain bucklerdismalfairfair100
Polished black coral shield edged in platinum filigreelowgood
Polished black coral shield edged in silver filigreepoorgoodfair100
Polished gold shield embossed with an armored knightvery poormoderatemoderate140
Polished oval shield emblazoned with the image of a wavering ethereal shieldvery poormoderatemoderate140
Polished oval shield etched with a raven pecking at a pile of gemsvery poorgoodmoderate140
Polished oval shield painted with a great turnip battle scenerather lowhighfair
Polished silver shield inlaid with a jovial slugrather lowhighfair
Polished silver-white shielddismalbetter than fairfair100
Polished wood buckler with vertebral bone trimworkvery poorgoodminor48
Pristine hide buckler burned with the image of a rearing buckvery poormoderateminor
Purple oval shield embossed with a blue unyn centered on a thin web of white paintvery poormoderately goodmoderate140
Razor-edged obsidian oval shieldrather lowvery goodmoderatemild125
Rectangular cookie sheet shieldvery poorgoodbetter than fairfair100
Reinforced leather buckler painted with an alluring sirenvery poorgoodminor48
Roughly-constructed buckler crudely emblazoned with a single large knifevery poormoderately goodminor48