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 Required ScholarshipRare
Adan'f anatomy chart810true
Alfar anatomy chart740
Aquamarine book titled "101 Creatures Under the Sea"
Atik'et anatomy chart790
Barghest anatomy chart850
Battered field guide with a worn leather cover
Bear anatomy chart840
Bison anatomy chart180
Bizar anatomy chart910
Black leather textbook embossed with a white skull and crossbonestrue
Blackwater jet inlaid grimoire with a black gold clasp
Blood-red book titled "A Hunter's Guide to Field Dressing"
Colepexy anatomy chart980
Compact textbook bound with a cover
Cyclops anatomy chart780
Dryad anatomy chart710
Dwarven anatomy chart100
Dyrachis anatomy chart870
Elegant folio with gilded accents
Elothean anatomy chart100
Elpalzi anatomy chart1,050
Elven anatomy chart100
Faenrae anatomy chart830
Fendryad anatomy chart720
Fire Maiden anatomy chart200
Frostweaver anatomy chart750
Gidii anatomy chart280
Gilded guidebook with "Work Smarter! Not Harder!" stamped across the covertrue
Gnome anatomy chart100
Gor'Tog anatomy chart100
Gremlin anatomy chart770
Grey textbook bound in leather
Halfling anatomy chart100
Healer's manual decorated with a goldleaf herbfalse
Hefty steelsilk-bound encyclopedia with gold-edged vellum pages
Hefty wood-framed book painted a mottled pink and brown
Heggarangi Boar anatomy chart360
Human anatomy chart100
Item:Adan'f anatomy chart810
Item:Alfar anatomy chart740
Item:Angiswaerd anatomy chart600
Item:Ape anatomy chart410
Item:Armadillo anatomy chart570
Item:Arzumos anatomy chart490
Item:Atik'et anatomy chart790
Item:Barghest anatomy chart850
Item:Bear anatomy chart840
Item:Bizar anatomy chart910
Item:Bloodstained linen compendium
Item:Bobcat anatomy chart470