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ItemSource isRare item
Deadly meteor hammer featuring sparkling unicorn weights of polished uthamarDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblagetrue
Deep blue velvet cloak stitched with a unicorn curled around a wounded healerQuest for Kanton's Dagger
Deep mahogany mortar with an herb garden carved around the baseEmmiline's Cottagefalse
Delicate ivory necklace shaped like a racing unicorn with head thrown back in a triumphant neighSputkin's Splendors (5) Sputkin's Splendors (4)Sputkin's (3)Sputkin's (2)
Delicate platinum unicorn amulet suspended from a heavy chainAmulets by Liathe (3) Amulets by Liathe (1)
Delicate white chocolate unicornGenevive's Sweet Tooth, Genevive's Sweet Tooth Darkbox 410 prizes
Diamond unicorn pinNorth Wind's Skimmer Marsh Skipper
Diminutive glass snow globeHollow Eve Festival 410/Raffles Hollow Eve Festival 406/Raffles
Dramatic white gold necklace dangling a charm shaped like a rearing unicornOphyr's Tent
Dusky grey embroidered spidersilk scarfCourtly Styles (1)
Ebon-framed paintingFenwyrthie's Curio Shop
Ebony unicorn hobbyhorseDunshade: Echo of Tears/End loot
Elaborate brocade clergy stole with various avatars hidden in the raised patternBunglefoot's Tent (2) Bunglefoot's Tent (1)true
Elaborately woven unicorn tapestryThreads of Fate (2) Threads of Fate (1)
Elegant crushed velvet fan painted with silver unicorns
Elegantly carved necklace formed from interlocking crystal cubesMagma Falls Mini-Festival Auctiontrue
Enameled brass cigarillo case clasped by a crystalline unicornCloudwalker's Smoke Shop
Engraved gold music box (2)
Enormous lollipop covered in iridescent sugar crystalsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizestrue
Etched gold toe bellstreasure maptrue
Fibrous icon of strandsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Fine linen robe stitched with the symbols of the light aspectsHide and Seek
Flowing midnight-blue samite mantle with a lapis lazuli claspTrevellyn's of Leth Deri'el
Flowing white robe embroidered with a rampant unicorn
Fluffy black unicorn with a white felt hornUnique-corn
Fluffy silver unicorn with a long felt hornUnique-corn
Fluffy white unicorn with a stubby felt hornUnique-corn
Folded icon of leatherHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Forest green suede instrument case buckled with a long tapestry shoulder-strapHouse of All Hues (1)
Formal white robe embroidered with the image of a rearing unicorn on its backOphyr's Tent
Fringed black silk cape embroidered with a nest of green adders twining around a unicorn's hornSputkin's Wagon Sputkin's Splendors (5)Sputkin's Splendors (4)true
Gathering basket made from brightly dyed reedsNyghil's Arts
Gilt-edged scimitar painted with a rainbow unicornJust a Slice (2)
Glass unicorn earringsTrader Shop (Muspar'i) Trader Shop (Crossing)
Glittery blown-glass pen with a tapered rose gold nibAll in Good Tome (3)
Glittery haledroth elbow spikes bedazzled with rainbow enamelingTaisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade Taisidon Mystery 443/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 439/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 435/A'baya Esplanade
Glittery haledroth footwraps bedazzled with rainbow enamelingTaisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade Taisidon Mystery 443/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 439/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 435/A'baya Esplanade
Glittery haledroth knee spikes bedazzled with rainbow enamelingTaisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade Taisidon Mystery 443/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 439/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 435/A'baya Esplanade
Glittery haledroth knuckles bedazzled with rainbow enamelingTaisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade Taisidon Mystery 443/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 439/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 435/A'baya Esplanade
Glittery unicorn-shaped slate framed with e'erdream heartsTaisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade Taisidon Mystery 443/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 439/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 435/A'baya Esplanadetrue
Glossy ash origami case embellished with a spring sceneOrder of the White Rose/Gifts and prizes
Gold chain helm adorned with a spiraling hornQuelling the Riot/End loot
Gold medallion symbolizing dedication to HodiernaTending the Fold (2) Tending the Fold (1)Festival Pavilion (2)Festival Pavilion (1)
Gold-edged kite shield bearing an image of a magnificent unicorn
Gold-edged kite shield bearing an image of a magnificent unicornQuelling the Riot/End loot
Gold-handled hair brush engraved with the image of a unicornSimply Essential (1)
Gold-tinted tapestry woven with spun gold and copper threads and bordered with tiny golden topazes6th-Year Estate Holder Token Auctiontrue
Golden rutilated quartz sphere on a braided silk chainFestival Pavilion (2) Festival Pavilion (1)
Golden silk robe trimmed with mother-of-pearl beads and decorated with an exquisite unicorn made of pearlsDroughtman's Maze
Golden unicornBacon Man's Birthday Bash 419/Pig Maze