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ItemSource isRare item
Item:Rust xibar topaz
Item:Satin-covered green music box
Item:Serpentine anklet hung with jeweled cambrinth charms depicting the six elements
Item:Signet ring
Item:Silver spiral pendant hung with a golden topaz teardrop
Item:Silver xibar topaz
Item:Silvery birch lap harp inlaid with silver-edged ivory raccoons
Item:Simple silver ring set with a miniature plague wraith clasping a golden topaz
Item:Single-strapped gown of lustrous titian cire with smoky embellishments
Item:Sinuous cambrinth armband coiled in the shape of a striking adder
Item:Slender silver ring set with a multifaceted mystic topaz
Item:Small golden serpent coiled about an ivory tree
Item:Steel wedding band inlaid with multi-gemmed spirals
Item:Stormfire topaz azalea affixed to a blackened moonsilver vine
Item:Sunstone earring edged with small smoky topazes
Item:Tanned la'tami hide book bag clasped with a yellow topaz owl
Item:Thin obsidian ring set with a large clear topaz
Item:Thirteen-point orichalcum brooch set with beads of deep blue xibarite amid a sea of colorful gemstones
Item:Three-dimensional bright yellow topaz sun
Item:Topaz signet ring etched with a donkey
Item:Topaz signet ring etched with a stack of coins
Item:Topaz-crested cambrinth wave parted by a shimmering blue-scaled narmorbreth
Item:Trio of twisted gold bangles dangling saffron-hued topaz beads
Item:Twisted bronze hairstick set with tiny diamond-shaped topazes
Item:Verdigris copper ring shaped like a pair of clasped hands holding a heart
Item:Vibrant red head scarf set with topaz beads
Item:Vine-like moonsilver earring
Item:Violet xibar topaz
Item:Weathered copper ring inlaid with diminutive black pearls
Item:Wedding ring
Item:Wide silver knotwork ring displaying a vibrant blue topaz
Item:Wood-handled hairbrush
Item:Yellow Xibar topaz
Jagged agonite scimitar with a carved boar's head pommelHollow Eve Festival 428/Auction
Jagged daoKilora's Weaponry
Jagged steel amulet set with a stormfire topazHollow Eve Festival 414/Raffles
Jaunty fedora accented with a small sharkHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Jet-black silk jacket lined with carrot-hued satinDress for Success (2)true
Jewel-embellished courtepy of black velvetCourtly Styles (1)
KarambitKilora's Weaponry
Kasai (1)Kilora's Weaponry
KaskaraWooden Shack, Wooden Shack Extreme Shop
Kelpzyte bodice dagger with an Imperial topaz pommelItem:Brinewood basket adorned with an Imperial topaz clasptrue
Kite-shaped peacock topazFallen Angels Clothing (2)
KomnoWooden Shack, Wooden Shack
KoummyaWooden Shack, Wooden Shack
Lacquered abacus strung with polished beadsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Lacquered band set with a tiny clownfishHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Large smoky topaz inkpotTaisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade Taisidon Mystery 443/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 439/A'baya Esplanadetrue