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ItemSource isRare item
Six-weighted cuskaSnake Pit
Slate-grey canvas alchemist's kit fastened with a beryl cobraOn the Mend, On the Mend (1)
Slender alabaster staff with a silver cobra coiled along itHerilo's Artifacts
Small golden cobra statue curled in looping coilsTurialo's Haven (6) Turialo's Haven (5)Turialo's Haven (3)
Small platinum case etched with a sleeping weaseltreasure maptrue
Small swordKrrikt'k's Forge
Smooth platinum cobras with multi-hued gemstone eyesMystical Machinations, Mystical Machinations (2) Mystical Machinations (1)
SpathaKrrikt'k's Forge
Split-bladed throwing daggerToss-O-Rama, Toss-O-Rama
Stained glass Hav'roth window (1)Wicked Windows (4)
Stained glass Hav'roth window (2)Wicked Windows (4)
Stained glass window depicting a cobra coiled around a pile of gemsHaunted House (4) Haunted House (3)true
Stone egg painted with the image of a red cobraOlgoidan's Wish Eggs, Zhoryhh's Tent, Zhoryhh's Tent Olgoidan's Wish Eggs
Stone-grey woolen robe embroidered with a rearing cobra on a background of gemsTrevellyn's of Leth Deri'el, Trevellyn's of Leth Deri'el
Striking cobra charm on a braided silk chainFestival Pavilion (2) Festival Pavilion (1)
Supple leather belt with a buckle of silver cast in the shape of a coiled cobraEzlani's Collections (1), Ezlani's Collections (2), Ezlani's Collections (2) Ezlani's Collections (1)
Sweeping Velakan starsteel khuj inlaid with elaborate astrological iconsGuildfest 445/Auctiontrue
Talking stick carved to resemble a cobra with fang-baring jaws agapePorly's Emporlyum (4) Porly's Emporlyum (3)Porly's Emporlyum (1)Oddities From Afar
Tarnished copper box engraved with a hooded cobraQuick Bite (4)true
TelekKilora's Weaponry
Tightly braided khiynit climbing rope strung with ophidian iconsItem:Dusty archeologist's satchel covered in archaic palimpsesttrue
Velvet-lined dark onyx sack embroidered with a striking cobraVisions of Holiness (2) Visions of Holiness (1)
Vibrant yellow-green wood shaper fashioned to resemble a cobraSkyward Crafting (3)true
Weapon:Crooked steel throwing spike stamped with a large cobra
Weapon:Dagger (1)
Weapon:Darkened onyx-hilted lata
Weapon:Darkened steel nimsha etched with a sinuous cobra
Weapon:Enameled lata
Weapon:Jade-hilted bastard sword engraved with a cobra
Weapon:Jagged dao
Weapon:Poniard with a cobra-head pommel
Weapon:Quillion dagger with an ivory hilt carved into the shape of a coiling cobra
Weapon:Rapier (3)
Weapon:Small sword
Weapon:Split-bladed throwing dagger
Worn leather arm sheath tooled with the image of a cobra wrapped around a swordFenwyrthie's Curio Shop