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ItemSource isRarity is
Item:Oiled maple barber's kit set with an ornate copper clasp
Item:Pair of maple cufflinks carved into diamonds
Item:Pale maple bassoon with clusters of roses painted around the bell
Item:Platinum gilt maple weapon rack
Item:Polished maple abacus with frosted glass beads
Item:Polished maple bassoon gilded with spiraling wrens
Item:Polished maple floor criscrossed with muddy paw prints
Item:Polished maple herbal case with provincial emblems engraved on the sides
Item:Red maple contract case inlaid with garnets and yellow topazes
Item:Silver maple recorder painted in gold leaf with the image of a rising phoenix
Item:Simple mantle of soft fawn-brown cotton fastened with a carving of maple wood
Item:Sky-blue maple bodhran painted with tiny wrens warbling amidst deep green leaves
Item:Small charm bracelet with wooden beads
Item:Small maple chest stained with multicolored zigzags
Item:Table supported by two stuffed caracals
Item:Tiny hummingbird statuette of fine maple
Item:Unstained maple nehpar'i carved with elaborate knotwork
Item:Verdant green maple-bound spellbook engraved with an outstretched hand cradling a wreath of herbs
Jagged daoKilora's Weaponry
KarambitKilora's Weaponry
Kasai (1)Kilora's Weaponry
KitharaTeshi's Instruments
Lacquered abacus strung with polished beadsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Lacquered band set with a tiny clownfishHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Lacquered maple casket with brass fittingsGrave New Worldfestival
Large portrait framed in woodBreaking and Entering/Library loot
Latticed picnic basket tied with sea ottersHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizesincidental
Long mixing stick topped with a trio of bloomsBreaking and Entering/Kitchen lootcommon
Loose-fitting pajama top with polished buttonsBreaking and Entering/Bedroom loot
Lustrous flame maple viola with gold tuning pegsMusiceum (4) Musiceum (3)Musiceum (2)Musiceum (1)
LuteTrue Bard D'Or House of Bardic Blues
LyreTrue Bard D'Or Tall Human PeddlerMalik the True BardHouse of Bardic BluesElepaio's Luthierre
Mammoth foot tableCreature Comforts, Creature Comforts
MandolinTrue Bard D'Or Malik the True BardHouse of Bardic Blues
Maple arbalest with iron fittingsRatchet Shack
Maple bacon coffee porterFair Faire Fare (4) Fair Faire Fare (3)Item:Boxy goldenoak beverage tote with a thickly padded handle
Maple bassoonWhimsical Winds, Whimsical Winds (1)
Maple broom handleMob Mentality (4)
Maple cigar box surrounded with carvings of fox-head fleur-de-lisOrder of the Black Fox/Gifts and prizes
Maple door carved with the figure of MorganaeCurious Cabinetry
Maple field medic's kit with a large crack running along the lidTookes' Nook (2) Tookes' Nook (1)
Maple flute with gold keysRoaring Mouse Adventure Supplies (2) Roaring Mouse Adventure Supplies (1)
Maple guiroTrue Bard D'Or, The, True Bard D'Or
Maple lyre intricately carved to mimic waving grassNytingale's Instruments (3), Nytingale's Instruments (3)
Maple mirror reflecting a distinguishing markDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 438/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 435/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblageend loot
Maple monk's chest inlaid with hand-hewn flame maple planksBunglefoot's Tent (1)festival
Maple painting kit engraved with a single treeItem:Maple-handled paintbrush Hollow Eve Festival 414/Raffles
Maple rolling pinPita Pan (1)
Maple stiff brushBit For Horses, Bit For Horses