Store command

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The STORE command is used to change the settings of the STOW command.


The STORE verb allows you to set a default container to store certain types of items in. In addition, you can choose to stow items with a certain phrase in a custom container. If you do not choose a container for an option, those items will go into your default container. To see what containers you have currently set, type STORE LIST.

To use the STORE verb, you can:

  • STORE [option] in [container] - Chooses a container to store a specific kind of items in.
  • STORE [option] - List the location that you are storing a specific kind of options in.
  • STORE [option] CLEAR - Clears the container that you have set.
  • STORE CUSTOM [phrase] in [container] - Sets a container to store items with the specified phrase in (32 characters max).

Valid options are:
  AMMO - Ammunition.
  ARMOR - All kinds of armor, excluding shields
  GEMS - Gems and bars.
  HERBS - Raw herbs (not potions or tinctures)
  INSTRUMENT - Instruments
  LOCKPICK - Lockpicks
  MELEE - Melee weapons.
  RANGED - Ranged weapons.
  SHIELD - Shields
  SKINS - Anything that you skin off of a critter
  THROWN - Thrown weapons.
  DEFAULT - All other items.

Example: STORE GEMS IN BACKPACK will put all gems in your backpack.

Example: STORE CUSTOM TINCT IN APRON will store any items that have a TAP that contains "TINCT" in your apron.

Note: You can only store things in containers that you are wearing.

Also See

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