Necrotic Reconstruction

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Necromancer thumb.jpgNecromancer Guild

Necrotic Reconstruction
Abbreviation: NR
Prerequisites: Quicken the Earth
Signature: Yes
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Arcane Magic
Spell Type: standard / utility
Difficulty: intermediate
Prep (min/max): 15 / 100
Skill Range (min/max): 80 / 800
Valid Spell Target: Special
Duration (min/max): Instant
Justice: yes
Corruption: yes
Description: A staple tool of apprentice and master reanimators alike, Necrotic Reconstruction provides instantaneous mending to a servant that has not yet outgrown its usefulness. The spell functions by overloading the unnatural form with life force, which causes rapid mutation and regrowth over any wounds present. Curiously, the spell does affect constructs created by Animation magic as well, albeit with less potency.
Effect: Wound heal, only heals corpses, zombies, or constructs
Example Messaging: 3rd person:

<Necromancer> pokes the corpse of a striped badger.
With a strange croaking noise, silken black dust spills from the cracks of <Necromancer>'s fingers.
The detrita from the destroyed parts of the striped badger's body collectively secrete maggoty ribbons of slime, pulsating a little. This prompts the dead skin, flesh and bone that make up the creature to pull apart, be displaced, then knit back together beneath the atrocious catalyst.

1st person:
You poke the corpse of a <critter>.
Your bloodied hand dries up within moments of lacing the reconstructive pattern, leaving behind a refined black dust.
The detrita from the destroyed parts of the striped badger's body collectively secrete maggoty ribbons of slime, pulsating a little. This prompts the dead skin, flesh and bone that make up the creature to pull apart, be displaced, then knit back together beneath the atrocious catalyst.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.


  • This spell generates Divine Outrage.
  • Requires a ritualistic CUT before casting.
  • CAST will default to last corpse PERFORM ARISE was performed on, or Zombie. Spell works on constructs but is less efficient.
  • Does not work on the corpses of player characters.
  • A sufficiently powerful cast will remove lodged ammunition from a minion.