Pounce ability

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Ranger thumb.jpgRanger Guild
Requirements: N/A
Slot Cost: 0
Difficulty: None
Type / Skill: Unknown / -
Contest: finesse vs. Fortitude (if from hiding); Reflex if from the open
Path: Unknown
Description: Unknown
Effect: +No buffs, -No debuffs, Balance damage
Messaging: 100th Circle:

You spring towards an armored warklin, with the strength of a lion. You angle yourself to knock an armored warklin to the ground! You slam into an armored warklin, knocking it off balance!

Cooldown messaging: You're too tired from the last time you pounced on some prey.


- A level 1 - it will jump you to melee with a target
- At level 100, you will also attempt to knock them down
- Cooldown is approximately 2 minutes between uses, reduced by Instinct_skill
- There is a stuck at melee effect on the target, ~10s
- High success knocks the target prone.
- Low success knocks the target to kneeling.