Driftwood Designs

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Driftwood Designs
Province Therengia
Justice Unknown
Town Riverhaven
Map Ranik's Map 30
Owner Rastmarrest
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Housing shops
This store only accepts Lirums

[Sandcastle Cove, Driftwood Designs]
Moderately-priced home accessories created from natural materials line the walls of this small shop. The owner, Rastmarrest, sits at the entrance, greeting customers with a friendly nod as he carves a small statuette from driftwood.

Item Price Done
1. a driftwood desk 10,000   No
2. a sailcloth mat 10,000   No
3. a woven kelp wall 20,000   No
4. a glass fishing buoy 5,000   No
5. a driftwood bed 20,000   No
6. a salt-stained driftwood wall 15,000   No
7. a slippery kelp carpet 15,000   No
8. a sailcloth hammock 20,000   No
9. a white seashell wall 60,000   No
10. a pile of kelp 5,000   No
11. a ship's wheel 30,000   No
12. a stuffed swordfish 40,000   No
13. a woven reed carpet 20,000   No
14. a smooth driftwood floor 40,000   No
15. a white sand floor 5,000   No
16. a shimmering sandstone floor 30,000   No
17. a golden sand floor 10,000   No
18. a shimmering sandstone floor 30,000   No