Su Helmas expedition graveyard explorer

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Su Helmas expedition graveyard explorer
Status: Alive
Race: Kaldar
Gender: Female
Location: Su Helmas
Tasks: kill

The SuHelmas expedition graveyard explorer was first seen in Su Helmas: Revealed! and is a task-related NPC for the Su Helmas.

The graveyard explorer NPC begins a combat task for Su Helmas in which the adventurer is lead to the desolate graveyard and sunken pit area and must defeat one of the creatures found within.


NPC in Room
Su Helmas expedition graveyard explorer
The graveyard explorer is a muscular Kaldaran woman with dark features. She wears a simple purple robe that has become faded by sand and sun.
[You may redeem Su Helmas contracts here. To access the graveyard, ASK EXPLORER ABOUT ACCESS.]


You've overheard others asking a Su Helmas expedition graveyard explorer about a number of topics, including sponsor, access, treasure, and explorer.
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Note: This NPC provides access to a special area that requires an active pass from the Simucoins store. To participate, check the store for the Forbidden Temple of Su Helmas pass:
You must activate the pass while present with this NPC, then ASK about ACCESS to be moved to the special area.
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Task Access

Asking with no redeemed Su Helmas contract(s).
The graveyard explorer says, "Hello, I'm supposed to show people working with the expedition to the graves we found just outside the temple complex. If you decide to work with the expedition, we can get underway."
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Note: This NPC provides access to a special area that requires an active pass from the Simucoins store. To participate, check the store for the Forbidden Temple of Su Helmas pass:
You must activate the pass while present with this NPC, then ASK about ACCESS to be moved to the special area.
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Asking with a redeemed contract.
Missing messaging.

Flavor Messaging

  • Default/Invalid ASK
A Su Helmas expedition graveyard explorer pauses to consider that. "Can't say that I have anything to say to that."
The graveyard explorer says, "We work for the Moon Mage Guild, under the leadership of a G'nar Pethian named Sasha Vain."
"I'm sorry, I'm not involved with that sort of thing myself," a Su Helmas expedition graveyard explorer says.
A Su Helmas expedition graveyard explorer shrugs. "I don't like talking about myself. Sorry, <madam/sir>. I'm just here to do a job."

Redeeming a Contract

Missing messaging.