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The First Land Herald/413-07-10

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Article Number: Unknown article number
Dateline: 413-07-10


In the wee hours of the morning, citizens of the Crossing were Puzzled by the sudden Invasion of creatures of a dazzling array of Types. They were seen at Magen Road, just in front of the Crossing Empath Guild.

Puzzlement soon turned to the righteous Defense of our fair city against the Vicious and Varied attackers. After the fact, witnesses struggled to identify all the types of creatures due to the sheer number of them. I attempt here to list as many as possible, in the rough order they were reported to Appear. Due to the difficulty of the task, please allow for some Error. The Herald will also accept submissions of Corrections at any time.

The Menagerie:

   bone amalgams
   grass eels
   ghoul seagulls
   umbral colossi and black zephyrs
   cave trolls, zombie goblins, and rock trolls
   goblin archers, bowmen, chieftains, warlords, berserkers, and zombie goblins, with trollkin
   goblin shamans
   grey clay mages and soldiers
   juvenile desert armadillos
   drunken pirates, both Elves and Kaldar
   various rogues and gypsies, the group of which bore colors from all Five Provinces, including some ice-covered men and women that witnesses swore could be from Albaria
   elba Darvagers
   hulking black barghests
   adult desert armadillos
   wailing women and banshees
   various malformed citizens, many of which bore the crests of the known Guilds
   brocket deer
   arthelun cabalists
   wir dinego
   snaer hafwa
   stark white skeletal kobolds
   wind wretches and wind hags
   dwarf-like creatures
   black apes
   hideous horned black steeds
   skorik nadhar
   sand spiders
   umbral colossi (a second time)

Due to the focused Precision of the attack, limited to the one block with very little roaming, a field hospital was easily maintained to the west of the fighting, and the Brave service of the Empaths there was duly noted. At the end of the brutal Onslaught, our town stood Victorious, as always.

Finally, a Voice was heard: “I’ll just have to return with better, stronger monsters. You may have won these battles, but the next shall be mine!”

Beware this Kitchen Sink Invader!

Navesi Osirit
Editor, First Land Herald

Real Date: Unknown Date