Nibble command

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Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Add messaging for nibbling food.
  • Please see Category:Incomplete articles for more articles that are incomplete.

Emotive command to nibble yourself, another person or food.
NIBBLE <self>

You see: You nibble your lip thoughtfully.
Others see: <Person> nibbles <his/her> lip thoughtfully.

NIBBLE <self> lips
You see: You nibble your lip thoughtfully.
Others see: <Person> nibbles <his/her> lip thoughtfully.

NIBBLE <self> <ear/neck/nose>
You see: Only if you're a contortionist!
Others see: <Person> contorts <himself/herself> oddly for a moment.

NIBBLE <self> shoulder
You see: You drop your head to one side and nibble on your shoulder.
Others see: <Person> drops <his/her> head to one side and nibbles on <his/her> shoulder.

NIBBLE <self> arm
You see: You raise your arm up to your face and nibble on it.
Others see: <Person> raises <his/her> arm up to <his/her> face and nibbles on it.

NIBBLE <self> fingers
You see: You nibble on your fingers in contemplation.
Others see: <Person> nibbles on <his/her> fingers in contemplation.

NIBBLE <item>
You see: You nibble on a <item> thoughtfully.
Others see: <Person> nibbles on a <item> thoughtfully.

NIBBLE <person>
You see: You nibble on <Person>.
Target sees: <Person> nibbles on you.
Others see: <Person1> nibbles on <Person2>.

NIBBLE <person> <ear/neck/lips/nose/shoulder/arm/fingers>
You see: You nibble on <Person>'s <bodypart>.
Target sees: <Person> nibbles on your <bodypart>.
Others see: <Person1> nibbles on <Person2>'s <bodypart>.

NIBBLE <food>
You see: ?
Others see: ?

See Also