Talk:Script List

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An easy-to-use template for adding scripts would be great, with instructions at the top of the page on how to do it. --Kraelyst 06:58, 10 November 2007 (CST)

I tend to agree to a point. I can tell you as a newb posting at this site... I literally spent hours trying to figure out how to post a script and was frustrated to say the least. However, as an alternative perspective, one should consider that with ease of posting scripts comes the potential of a deluge of scripts. This has pros and cons. I merely point out my experience at other sites trying to sift through numerous scripts and wading with another kind of frustration. --Mendaleev 00:38, 26 June 2008 (CDT)

Well I've been thinking about this, and it might be best to do something like MediaWiki does for extensions. Setup a Script: namespace so scripts would be like... Script:Climbwall or something equally descriptive... Have an info box with a download link similar to this, give instructions on what sections to include, and then have the script included in the pre tags on the page for those who want to peruse the script text before downloading. The script writer will need to keep the script file updated as well, but that's easily explained for new users. Thoughts?--Naeya (talk) 12:39, 26 June 2008 (CDT)