Order of the Black Fox

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Order of the Black Fox
This is an Official Order
Sanctioned Province: Zoluren
City Base: Crossing
Active Members: Unknown
Website: http://www.orderoftheblackfox.com
Twitter: None
Speaker: Romhos Aoenfall
Vice Speaker: Dominga Klutvawn
Treasurer: Dezmis
Council Members

Not Listed

Not Listed

Charter [Under Revision, thus subject to change]

Section I. Founding and Purpose
The Order of the Black Fox has been re-founded, and revamped. Aside from its previous mission the Order will now assist those refugees who do not yet feel at home in their new lands. The Black Fox will offer home and family to those who have lost theirs, and to those who have yet to arrive.

The Order was also founded with another purpose - Strength in numbers. The barrier will fall some day, and who will defeat the undead? The Black Fox hopes to be on the front lines, as well as providing triage when that time should come.

Section II. Insignia
The Black Fox insignia is a white tower shield with a bold red chevron, at the center of which sits a small, placid black fox with glowing amber eyes. On a crescent-shaped silk banner atop the shield, the words "Order of the Black Fox" are embroidered in gold thread in bold, flowing script.

Section III. Item
Following is the item worn by Black Fox members to acknowledge their membership.

an enameled-iron black fox pin with bright amber eyes
Cut into the shape of a sitting black fox, the pin has been enameled with shades of black and charcoal. Finely detailed, the tiny creature wears a mirthful expression and its amber eyes give an air of warmth and wisdom. A flowing script winds around the edge. There appears to be something written on it.
A black fox pin reads:
"Member of the Order of the Black Fox."

Section IV. Goals
-To unite wayward Rakash and Prydaen
-To provide a home and family for those in need.
-To be ready and to defend the lands should the barrier fall.
-To provide a place, education, and help for the prydes, packs, Prydaen, and Rakash of the lands.

Section V. Laws
-Members of the Order of the Black Fox are expected to abide by the laws and customs of Elanthia, no matter which part of the world they decide to reside in at the time. They are expected to remain in a reasonable, and respectable manner at all times.
-Members are expected to fulfill their responsibilities to the Order in regards to their ranging, and Order-sponsored events. This includes timely payment of membership dues and participation in events.

Section VI. Officers and Council
At all times the Order must maintain the following positions:
-Vice Speaker
-Council of Ten
-The term "Officers" defines the Speaker, Vice Speaker, and Council as a whole.

Section VII. The Office of the Speaker
-The Speaker of the Order is considered the direct contact with the Administration of Orders in any direct dealings. In this capacity s/he has the authority to make any decisions regarding the Order.
- On those occasions when a council of the Orders is convened by the Administrator of Orders or other Government officials, the Speaker will attend to represent the Order. The Speaker has the authority, in the event that the Council cannot convene enough of a majority to fill its' seats, to appoint members until a majority has been reached.
-The Speaker will have the authority to convene emergency or interim meetings as she/he deems necessary, given reasonable notice to the Council.
-There is no limit to the Speaker's term of office. Should the incumbent Speaker resign, and there is no active Vice Speaker to step up to the position, Council will choose the replacement. Notice shall be given to the general membership so that all interested candidates may put their names forward. In the event that there are more than three candidates, the general membership shall be required to vote for the final three they wish to be considered for the position.
-The Speaker has final and absolute say in all things regarding the Order.

Section VIII. The Office of the Vice Speaker
-The Vice Speaker is the second point of contact for the Provincial Administrator of Orders in the event that the Speaker is unable to attend a meeting or consultation with the Administrator of Orders.
- The Vice Speaker is required to understand the Provincial Administrator's rules and regulations regarding the creation and continuance of the Order, as well as the Order's own Charter and By-laws, including any changes which might be made, in order to clarify for the membership those governing rules as well as the Order's own rules and laws.
- There is no limit to the Vice Speaker's term of office, but continued occupancy is subject to the Speaker's approval. Should the incumbent Vice Speaker resign, the Speaker will choose the replacement. In the event that there is no Speaker to choose a new person for this position Council will decide. Notice shall be given to the general membership so that all interested candidates may put their names forward. In the event that there are more than three candidates, the general membership shall be required to vote for the final three they wish to be considered for the position.

Section IX. The Office of the Treasurer
-The Treasurer of the Order maintains the financial records of the Order. Only the Treasurer will have total access to certain financial information concerning the Order.
- The Treasurer is responsible for monitoring the financial position of the Order and for keeping the Speaker, Vice Speaker and Council members informed as to that status.
- Only the Treasurer will be entrusted with the records regarding membership dues owed (if any) and member loans outstanding (if any).
- Only the Treasurer will have the authority to transfer monies between Order Funds.
- The Treasurer will not have the ability to withdraw funds in the form of cash from any of the Order's Funds.
- The Treasurer does not have a vote in Council meetings.
- There is no limit to the Treasurer's term of office, but continued occupancy is subject to Officer approval. Should the incumbent Treasurer resign, the Speaker will choose the replacement. In the event that there is no Speaker to choose a new person for this position the Officers will decide. Notice shall be given to the general membership so that all interested candidates may put their names forward.

Section X. The Council
-The Council, as a whole, makes up the third governing body of the Order, coming after the Speaker and Vice Speaker. -The Council consists of no less than ten members but no more than twelve.
-The Council is primarily made up of Pryde and Pack leaders who have chosen to join the Black Fox in its mission.
-No other members of a Pryde or Pack other than the head and second hand are able to be considered for the Council.
-No Officer of the Order may hold a seat on the council.
-It is the duty of the Council, along with the Speaker, Vice Speaker, and Treasurer to decide membership dues.
-Council members have the authority and responsibility of voting in new members or voting out existing members where warranted.
- In the event that a Councilor cannot be contacted and has missed four consecutive Council meetings, the remaining Council has the right to vote that seat vacant, and to vote in a replacement member.
-There is no limit to a Councilor's term in office, but continued occupancy is subject to Council and Speaker approval.

Section XI. Sub-Offices
There are no sub-offices at this time.

Section XII. Loans
Loans to Members: There are no loans to members at this time. This is subject to change.
Loans to Officers: There are no personal loans to Officers at this time. Loans are permitted for use in events to further the Order or the Officer's organization.

Section XIII. Membership Requirements
-Membership of the Order is restricted to those of the Prydaen and Rakash races.
-Membership of the Order requires an approval process.
-Members of the Order are required to uphold the Laws of the Order and Elanthia at all times.
-Members of the Order are required to pay each month to the Order in a timely manner the dues appropriate to their experience and individual Guild standing. Dues are subject to revision and/or adjustment.
-Members are expected to attend general Order meetings. Notice of at least one real world month will be given before one of these meetings is to be held.
-Failure to comply with any of these requirements will lead to a membership review and interview with the Officers of the Order. Depending on the circumstances, member may face a fine or dues or other penalty as determined by the Officers, up to and including dismissal from the Order where warranted.

Section XIV. Procedures
General Meetings
-General membership meetings will be called approximately once every real world year.
-At these meetings, membership will be formally advised of the status of the Order, and standing with the Administrator of Orders.
- A Financial Report will be presented, as well as an update on any ongoing project or business which may be in hand.
-General concerns of the membership at large may be addressed at these meetings as well, if deemed to be serious requests and presented for consideration in time for inclusion on the agenda.
-Matters to be presented for discussion at these meetings may be proposed by any member to any of the Officers or Councilors.
-The Speaker of the Order will be responsible for providing an agenda no less than 7 real world days prior to the date of the meeting, after which time no new business may be added to the agenda.

Council Meetings
-Council meetings will be regularly scheduled every two real life months.
- At this time, Council will review the matters presented for consideration, vote on those matters requiring action, receive the formal report of the Treasurer and deal with the ongoing administration of the Order.
- A minimum of half of the members of Council must be present for any action taken to be valid and binding.
- Any member with a concern or complaint may approach a Councilor or Officer of the Order to request that the matter be presented for discussion in Council.
- At the discretion of the Officers, such Member business may be dealt with, held to be addressed at the next General Meeting, or, if deemed to be frivolous or malicious in nature, dismissed.
- The Speaker of the Order will be responsible for providing an agenda for the meeting no less than 3 real life days prior to the Council meeting date, after which no new business may be presented.
- Having been advised of the agenda in this manner, any vote taken by a majority of Council in the meeting will be considered binding.

Section XV. Removal of Office and Disciplinary Procedures
- Continued failure to take part in some manner in any of the Order's official events will lead to censure of uninvolved member.
- If the lack of involvement persists after Officer review, interview and warning, and in spite of fines or other admonitory actions taken against the member, the Officers have the right to vote for removal from membership.
- Failure to pay membership dues will lead to removal from membership if an investigation of the delinquent member indicates that circumstances warrant it.
- Members whose personal activities or behavior conflict with the goals of the Order itself reflect poorly on the Order's public image and/or adversely affect it's standing with the Provincial Administrator of Orders will be called before the Officers to explain those actions. If in the opinion of the Officers the action or behavior leading to this interview is indefensible, the Officers may vote for removal from membership.
- Activities which might lead to the Officers taking such action include but are not limited to: Arbitrary and/or aggressive PvP, bullying of newcomers and younglings, item theft or grave robbing, continuing harassment of another player or players.
- Less severe penalties for transgressions on the part of any member will include, by decision of the Officers, any or all of the following:

1. Fines and/or dues penalty
2. Official censure by the Officers
3. Public censure before the Membership body, either in the newsletter or at the General Meeting of the Order.

Section XVI. Joining Procedures
-All members must fill out the membership application before being considered for joining.
-All members will require review from the Speaker or other Officers as a whole before joining.
-If the member runs a pryde or pack, and wishes to join their organization, the organization must have a leader, a second in command, and at least six members before being considered.

--Romhos 2:24, 16th of August 2008 (PST)