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Travelers wishing to make the voyage from Langenfirth to far away M'Riss would do well to make use of the service offered by the Blipzerg Brothers Wildlife Tours.

Original Post from GameMaster Melete



The cost of the Gnomish balloon is is currently 50 copper lirums per circle.[1]

Travel Time

Travel time is 15 minutes from Langenfirth to M'riss, with approximately 2 minutes at the Lang dock.


The Gnomish operator says, "I'm leaving shortly, returning to Langenfirth. If you would like to accompany me for a safe trip there, just join me." The Gnomish operator smiles.
[JOIN GNOMISH BALLOON before it leaves if you would like to go to Langenfirth.]


The Gnomish operator says, "Woah there, madam. I can only take a handful with me at a time. It's going to cost you if you want to come along. I'll accept 4200 copper Lirums."


The Gnomish operator says, "Alright. That'll be 4200 Lirums." You hand over your funds and step closer. You join the Gnomish operator. "Right this way, madam."


[Aboard the Balloon, Gondola]
A veritable spiderweb of ropes secures this boat-like gondola to the gigantic balloon above. A massive cast-iron stove squats at one end of the craft, occasionally belching acrid green smoke. In addition to the shelter provided by the balloon itself, a sturdy oilcloth awning protects passengers from the worst of the elements, while several oaken benches provide seating.
You also see a rope ladder.
Obvious exits: none.


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