Arisen ghoulish farmer

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Incomplete Article
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arisen ghoulish farmer
Unknown creature.jpg
Creature Levels:
    Overall ?
    Level Variance -
    Natural Attack ?
    Weapon Attack ?
    Defense ?
    Player Estimated -
Potential overall skill: ?
Skill Cap ? to ?
Skinnable No
Has Coins Yes
Has Gems Yes
Has Boxes Yes
Has Other Unknown
Uses Weapons Unknown
Alignment No
Corporeal Yes
Construct No
Casts Spells No
Attack Range Unknown
Stealthy No
Special Attacks Unknown
Special Defenses Unknown
Body Type unknown
Body Type (Alt) unknown
Body Size unknown
  • Quest only
Premium-Only Unknown
Locksmithing Details
Skill Required Careful: ?
Teaching Cap ?


In Depth


An arisen ghoulish farmer appears to have once had a normal and happy life before being turned into one of the undead.
It appears that the ghoulish farmer is one of the many necromantic experiments that occured in this place, and one of many that were wiped out from an entire town.
It appears that whoever used to command the ghoulish farmer is long gone now, and the undead creature has been left to its own devices.
They are not known to cast any recognized spells.
They are known to carry loot in locked boxes.


It is wearing some heavy black boots, some brown wool pants, a heavy flannel shirt.
It is carrying a large pitchfork.

See Also

There are different variations of arisen ghouls.