Fire of Ushnish

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Cleric thumb.jpgCleric Guild

Fire of Ushnish Targeted Magic spell
Abbreviation: FOU
Prerequisites: Circle 40, Fists of Faenella, and a quest
Signature: Yes
Spell Slots: 3
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: battle / targeted, pulse damage, area of effect
Difficulty: esoteric
Prep (min/max): 35 / 100
Skill Range (min/max): 250 / 1000
Valid Spell Target: Area
Duration (min/max): Instant
Justice: {{{illegal}}}
Corruption: {{{corrupt}}}
Description: An infernal cataclysm spun into magic, this spell wrings the fires of the World Dragon from its very throat! From the bowels of Elanthia's core, Ushnish's ire will spew forth -- but it will be up to your skill to converge its flows upon enemies. Beware, for calling out His name in invocation is seldom without peril.
Effect: {{{dtype}}}, {{{htype}}}, AoE TM with a second, half-power attack.
Example Messaging: You strike your heel against the ground.

Fiery white magma bubbles up from the dirt underfoot!
A grass eel's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
The stream of liquid white fire washes over a grass eel's slender body, badly charring it.
The grass eel is dealt a vicious stun!
A goblin shaman's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
Blackened embers and flakes of ash swirl away from a goblin shaman's abdomen as it is incinerated by the white lava, leaving behind naught but a smoking ruin.
A goblin shaman sinks to the ground in a rustle of cloth and covers its face with the hood of its cloak. Slowly the movements of the cloaked creature stop.
A glowing stick shatters into a million glittering splinters.
The shimmering ethereal shield fades from around a goblin shaman.
Blackened embers and flakes of ash swirl away from a grass eel's slender body as it is incinerated by the white lava, leaving behind naught but a smoking ruin.
A grass eel shudders, then goes limp.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

Boiling tongues of magma race wrathfully in another path.
A grass eel's ethereal shield crackles with energy!
Blackened embers and flakes of ash swirl away from a grass eel's slender body as it is incinerated by the white lava, leaving behind naught but a smoking ruin.
A grass eel thrashes about wildly for a few seconds, then lies still.
The shimmering ethereal shield fades from around a grass eel.
The trickles of white magma cool, forming ashy cinders which quickly disperse.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.