Awaken Forest

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Ranger thumb.jpgRanger Guild

Awaken Forest Targeted Magic spell
Abbreviation: AF
Prerequisites: Branch Break, Circle 30
Signature: Yes
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: battle / targeted
Difficulty: advanced
Prep (min/max): 15 / 100
Skill Range (min/max): 80 / 800
Valid Spell Target: Special
Duration (min/max): Unknown minutes /
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: The forces of nature are intimidating, neutral, and powerful. If roused by one with the proper knowledge, they will manifest themselves as a physical entity and rise up to battle anyone and anything nearby.
Effect: +{{{buffs}}}, -{{{debuffs}}}, {{{dtype}}}, {{{htype}}}, spawn fights alongside Ranger
Example Messaging: You gesture.

A leaf-green wave of light ripples outward from you. The surrounding vegetation awakens and stirs in response to your call. Leaves and vines weave together, coalescing into a humanoid spawn that rises from the ground and readies itself for battle.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.


Creates a spawn that fights along side the Ranger. Damage and efficacy depends on TM skill and mana. The type of spawn created depends on the environment of the room. (See notes below). Will not despawn unless the critter is killed, the caster attacks the spawn, or the spell is released.
There is a cooldown timer for each room, preventing future casts of the spell.



The forest spawn is a mass of pine saplings, vines and soil woven into a vaguely humanoid form and crowned with a mane of leaves. A leaf-green glow seeps from between the tightly bound foliage and though eyeless, the creature surveys the area with an air of intelligence. It is holding a rather large, sharpened pine limb in its grip.
The vines and leaves composing the forest spawn slowly unravel and recede into the forest.


A leaf-green wave of light ripples outward from you. The vegetation within the water awakens and stirs in response to your call. Strands of kelp, small shells and sand compact together, coalescing into a humanoid spawn that rises from the water and readies itself for battle.
The water spawn is a mass of sand and small shells compacted into a vaguely humanoid form and crowned with a mane of wild green kelp. A leaf-green glow seeps from creases in the compacted form and though eyeless, the creature surveys the area with an air of intelligence. It is holding a sharp pointy shell in its grip.
The kelp and sand composing the water spawn slowly recede back into the water.


A leaf-green wave of light ripples outward from you. The surrounding vegetation awakens and stirs in response to your call. Tall grasses and clods of soil weave together, coalescing into a humanoid spawn that rises from the ground and readies itself for battle.
The grassy spawn is a mass of thick grasses, sedge and soil woven into a vaguely humanoid form and crowned with a mane of tangled creepers. A leaf-green glow seeps from between the tightly bound foliage and though eyeless, the creature surveys the area with an air of intelligence. It is holding a rather pointy stick in its grip.
The sedge and soil composing the grassy spawn slowly unravel and recede back into the grassland.


A leaf-green wave of light ripples outward from you. The surrounding earth awakens and stirs in response to your call. Lichen-patched rocks and stones stack one atop another, coalescing into a humanoid spawn that rises from the ground and readies itself for battle.
The stony spawn is a mass of lichen-patched rocks, soil, and small stones stacked into a vaguely humanoid form and crowned with a close-cropped mane of moss. A leaf-green glow seeps from the spaces between the rocks and though eyeless, the creature surveys the area with an air of intelligence. It is holding a sharp rock in its grip.
The lichen and stones composing the stony spawn slowly recede back into the earth.


A leaf-green wave of light ripples outward from you. The surrounding crops awaken and stir in response to your call. Tall stalks and clods of soil weave together, coalescing into a humanoid spawn that rises from the ground and readies itself for battle.
The harvest spawn is a mass of tall stalks, food crops and soil woven into a vaguely humanoid form and crowned with a mane of tangled weeds. A leaf-green glow seeps from between the tightly bound foliage and though eyeless, the creature surveys the area with an air of intelligence. It is holding a rather pointy stick in its grip.
The tall stalks and clods of soil composing the harvest spawn slowly unravel and recede back into the farmlands.


You gesture. A leaf-green wave of light ripples outward from you. The surrounding earth awakens and stirs in response to your call. Slime molds and clods of stony soil compact together, coalescing into a humanoid spawn that rises from the ground and readies itself for battle.
The slimy spawn is a mass of slime molds, soil and stones compacted into a vaguely humanoid form and crowned with a mane of pale, spidery roots. A leaf-green glow seeps from creases in the compacted form and though eyeless, the creatures surveys the area with an air of intelligence. It is holding a rather sharp stone in its grip.