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Inavia Sorvendig
Status: Alive
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Location: Zoluren (Ranik Map 1)
Associates: Maghana
Relatives: Vorclaf, Arilana, Belirendrick IV, Unavia, Galpelus

Born in 391 AV, Inavia is the daughter of Prince Vorclaf and Arilana of Zoluren, fraternal twin sister to Belirendrick IV. Inavia is named after her maternal grandmother, Unavia.


You see Princess Inavia Sorvendig, a Human.
She has an oval face which is in a transitional stage between soft and angular curves, thick-lashed pale celadon eyes and a small nose that is losing its rounded childish-look into becoming a sharper and more defined feature on her face. Her hip-length glossy red hair hangs down in a heavy braid clasped by a silver geshiloira blossom. She has faintly opaline skin and a youthful, lithe figure.
She appears to be a young adult, and average height for a Human.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a plain black silk shopping bag, a square-neck gown of pallid copper silk trimmed at the hem with tiny black nadira feathers, a simple bracelet made of bright pieces of coral and a pair of low-heeled black silk slippers.