Platinum NG

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NOTE: This page manages incidental loot distribution for Platinum quest runs.

INSTRUCTIONS: Just mark your name where you NEED something or GREED something. NEED means you plan to wear/use it for your character, while GREED is just something you'd like because why not. NEED gets priority over GREED, and if two people ask for something on the same priority then they ROSHAMBO it out to see who wins. Please submit all needs/greeds 5 days after quest completion.

September 13 (Beyond the Barrier)

NEED TO BID: Talmarin, Thembleton, Hok, Turul, Uzmam


item need greed delivered
oddly assembled full battle plate covered with blighted gold symbols Turul
heavily bloodstained leathers tooled with an elaborate symbol on the chest
gladius with an ornate damite hilt shaped into a crow with wings spread wide Turul
box of hilts
tattered Pr'mra'sin of sheer golden silk blotched with reddish-brown stains
wyndwood ocarina painted with whimsical butterflies Turul
small leather ball painted with a faded butterfly Turul
platinum eyebrow ring studded with a single uncut amethyst
pitted iron survival knife with a blighted gold handle
pitted iron survival knife with a blighted gold handle
heavy necklace of blackened iron set with howlite wolf heads Turul
polished flamewood case overlayed with golden filigree Turul
pair of double earrings attached to with long interwoven chains
dented blue gold Pr'raaho centered with an iladza
brilliant sunstone amulet centered with a blue gold disc
spiraling platinum tailband beaded with moss-green malachite
supple leather odaj adorned with golden scales at the shoulders
box of long poles
black suede boots embellished with silver-clawed toecaps
dingy green-grey odaj decorated with a faded pattern of crows
diamond and platinum locket embossed with a small triquetra symbol
battered ceremonial shield decorated with Enelne's eyes
simple ebonwood haircomb
fetid black and green goo
bundle of hafts
bronze skirmisher's shield embossed with the image of a soaring black crow Turul
box of short poles
massive war hammer crafted from ironwood and steel
gleaming steel war sword with a badger's head pommel
soot-stained odaj with hints of a butterfly motif visible beneath the discoloration
butterfly-shaped shield inlaid with vibrant crystals
gold plated greaves embellished with jeweled triquetras
bloodstained gold linen tabard embroidered with the shariza of Tenemlor
black suede tunic dangling a row of bear claws and sun-bleached bone shards along the yoke
lozenge-shaped leather shield tooled with the image of Katamba
polished gaethzen crow
polished gaethzen crow
hammered iron wrist knife flecked with spots of dried blood
heavy silver wristcuff
small wooden case designed to hold flasks of oil
mottled leather war belt fastened by a jagged bit of stone
barbed predator's spear with a deep purple osage haft
jagged scythe with a twisted glaes-spiked haft Hok X

July 13, 2014 (Beyond the Barrier)

NEED TO BID: Arechis

BID/OPTED OUT: Tessaria, Desh, Divult, Galston, Yedgrim, Uzmam, Thembleton, Shunsuke

item need greed delivered
oddly assembled full battle plate covered with blighted gold symbols Tessaria
heavily bloodstained leathers tooled with an elaborate symbol on the chest Thembleton
gladius with an ornate damite hilt shaped into a crow with wings spread wide Desh
small leather ball painted with a faded butterfly
platinum medallion strung on a slender chain
wyndwood ocarina painted with whimsical butterflies
pair of double earrings attached to with long interwoven chains
platinum eyebrow ring studded with a single uncut amethyst
pitted iron survival knife with a blighted gold handle Thembleton
pitted iron survival knife with a blighted gold handle Thembleton
brilliant sunstone amulet centered with a blue gold disc Tessaria Desh, Uzmam
thin leather necklace strung with multiple raven feathers
dented blue gold Pr'raaho centered with an iladza
deep purple osage pipe wrapped with a golden dragon Thembleton X
carved flamewood band with a wide-grained pattern of gold and red hues
tattered Pr'ysin held by a tarnished silver brooch with an empty setting
diamond and platinum locket embossed with a small triquetra symbol Tessaria
rough steel amulet crafted in the shape of a triquetra
bronze skirmisher's shield embossed with the image of a soaring black crow Thembleton
roll of large backing padding Thembleton
soot-stained odaj with hints of a butterfly motif visible beneath the discoloration
gleaming steel war sword with a badger's head pommel Thembleton
leather odaj adorned with mangy-looking badger pelts
box of short poles
butterfly-shaped shield inlaid with vibrant crystals Thembleton
hardened leather tailband embossed with stylized claw marks
barbed predator's spear with a deep purple osage haft Desh
mottled leather war belt fastened by a jagged bit of stone Uzmam
bundle of short cords Uzmam
small wooden case designed to hold flasks of oil Uzmam
heavy silver wristcuff Uzmam
somber black mourning armband depicting the plight of the Prydaen
ragged Lyras finger puppet Uzmam
obsidian skinning knife with a leather-wrapped handle Desh Uzmam
piecemeal leather armor discolored with age Thembleton
chipped statuette of a young Prydaen woman Uzmam
roll of small backing padding Thembleton
granite ring shaped like a twisted claw-tipped hand Thembleton
jagged scythe with a twisted glaes-spiked haft Yedgrim X

June 29, 2014 (Beyond the Barrier)

NEED TO BID: Aevarn,

BID/OPTED OUT: Uzmam, Desh, Arechis, Yedgrim, Hok

item need greed delivered
creamy suede thigh pouch dangling blackened bone shards
heavily bloodstained leathers tooled with an elaborate symbol on the chest Yedgrim X
carved flamewood band with a wide-grained pattern of gold and red hues Desh X
pair of double earrings attached to with long interwoven chains
thin leather necklace strung with multiple raven feathers
triple-stranded electrum hip-chain dangling ruby-tipped claws Desh X
supple leather odaj adorned with golden scales at the shoulders
creamy suede thigh pouch dangling blackened bone shards
pitted iron survival knife with a blighted gold handle x2 Hok, Desh X, X
platinum eyebrow ring studded with a single uncut amethyst
polished flamewood case overlayed with golden filigree Desh X
deep purple osage pipe wrapped with a golden dragon Thembleton X
box of long poles
platinum medallion strung on a slender chain
elegant black silk fan decorated with tiny jeweled constellations
butterfly-shaped shield inlaid with vibrant crystals
gold plated greaves embellished with jeweled triquetras
leather odaj adorned with mangy-looking badger pelts
black suede tunic dangling a row of bear claws and sun-bleached bone shards along the yoke
fetid black and green goo Desh X
gleaming steel war sword with a badger's head pommel Yedgrim X
bundle of long cords Arechis X
lozenge-shaped leather shield tooled with the image of Katamba Thembleton X
short leather hunting skirt beaded with muted black onyx
ribbed leucro bone gloves Yedgrim X
blackened mail greaves embellished with tarnished brass crows
wrinkled linen shirt with tattered sleeves
bloodstained gold linen tabard embroidered with the shariza of Tenemlor
bronze skirmisher's shield embossed with the image of a soaring black crow
ragged Lyras finger puppet Woops, ate it. No puppet.
rough rawhide cord dangling a stained bone ring
heavy silver wristcuff Desh X
somber black mourning armband depicting the plight of the Prydaen
field plate cobbled together from mismatched pieces Desh X
polished ebonwood armband inlaid with ivory fangs
hammered iron wrist knife flecked with spots of dried blood
barrel of grain alcohol Hok, Thembleton X
hardened leather tailband embossed with stylized claw marks
roll of small backing padding Arechis X
sharpened troll tooth scrimshawed with a repeating nomlas motif
jagged scythe with a twisted glaes-spiked haft Uzmam X
gladius with an ornate damite hilt shaped into a crow with wings spread wide Hok X

June 21, 2014 (Beyond the Barrier)


BID/OPTED OUT: Uzmam, Shunsuke, Yedgrim, Thembleton, Hok, Arathael

item need greed delivered
creamy suede thigh pouch dangling blackened bone shards Hok X
box of wool yarn Yedgrim X
tattered Pr'ysin held by a tarnished silver brooch with an empty setting
platinum medallion strung on a slender chain
small leather ball painted with a faded butterfly Hok X
rough steel amulet crafted in the shape of a triquetra Hok X
pair of double earrings attached to with long interwoven chains Hok X
diamond and platinum locket embossed with a small triquetra symbol Uzmam X
pitted iron survival knife with a blighted gold handle x2 Thembleton, Uzmam X X
fetid black and green goo x2 Uzmam Hok X X
white gold anklet dangling ruby droplets
elegant black silk fan decorated with tiny jeweled constellations
polished flamewood case overlayed with golden filigree Uzmam X
box of hilts
platinum eyebrow ring studded with a single uncut amethyst Hok X
elaborate four-sectioned ceremonial sonajero crafted from elmod Uzmam X
box of short poles
bronze skirmisher's shield embossed with the image of a soaring black crow Shunsuke X
triple-stranded electrum hip-chain dangling ruby-tipped claws
black suede tunic dangling a row of bear claws and sun-bleached bone shards along the yoke Thembleton X
ribbed leucro bone gloves Hok X
wrinkled linen shirt with tattered sleeves
aged chain hauberk lined with bloodstained silk Thembleton X
dingy green-grey odaj decorated with a faded pattern of crows
massive war hammer crafted from ironwood and steel Yedgrim X
quarterstaff capped with a blackened iron crow Yedgrim X
blackened mail greaves embellished with tarnished brass crows Hok X
granite ring shaped like a twisted claw-tipped hand Uzmam X
heavy leather shirt painted with muted tribal markings
small wooden case designed to hold flasks of oil Thembleton X
somber black mourning armband depicting the plight of the Prydaen Hok X
barrel of grain alcohol Yedgrim X
hardened leather tailband embossed with stylized claw marks
jagged scythe with a twisted glaes-spiked haft Uzmam, Thembleton X
lozenge-shaped leather shield tooled with the image of Katamba Hok X
oddly assembled full battle plate covered with blighted gold symbols Hok X
heavily bloodstained leathers tooled with an elaborate symbol on the chest Hok X
gladius with an ornate damite hilt shaped into a crow with wings spread wide Shunsuke X
blackened battle odaj affixed with pauldrons sculpted to resemble crow heads Shunsuke X

June 7, 2014 (Beyond the Barrier)


BID/OPTED OUT: Hok, Ssryl, Arathael, Ucu, Morpion, Uzmam, Tharqtus, Aevarn, Divult, Ariena, Taul

item need greed delivered
sharpened troll tooth scrimshawed with a repeating nomlas motif
hammered iron wrist knife flecked with spots of dried blood Hok X
small leather ball painted with a faded butterfly Uzmam X
wyndwood ocarina painted with whimsical butterflies Taul X
oddly assembled full battle plate covered with blighted gold symbols Tharqtus X
carved flamewood band with a wide-grained pattern of gold and red hues Ariena X
platinum medallion strung on a slender chain
heavy necklace of blackened iron set with howlite wolf heads
florid obsidian wristcuff set with a magnificent azure-hued opal Taul X
granite ring shaped like a twisted claw-tipped hand Uzmam X
simple ebonwood haircomb
hardened leather tailband embossed with stylized claw marks Ssryl X
pair of double earrings attached to with long interwoven chains
thin leather necklace strung with multiple raven feathers
triple-stranded electrum hip-chain dangling ruby-tipped claws Ariena X
white gold anklet dangling ruby droplets
soot-stained odaj with hints of a butterfly motif visible beneath the discoloration
leather odaj adorned with mangy-looking badger pelts
gladius with an ornate damite hilt shaped into a crow with wings spread wide Uzmam X
black suede tunic dangling a row of bear claws and sun-bleached bone shards along the yoke Ssryl X
bloodstained gold linen tabard embroidered with the shariza of Tenemlor
polished flamewood case overlayed with golden filigree Shunsuke X
small wooden case designed to hold flasks of oil Uzmam Tharqtus X
box of wool yarn Hok X
blackened battle odaj affixed with pauldrons sculpted to resemble crow heads Arathael X
aged chain hauberk lined with bloodstained silk Ssryl X
gold plated greaves embellished with jeweled triquetras Hok X
gleaming steel war sword with a badger's head pommel Hok, Aevarn
quarterstaff capped with a blackened iron crow Tharqtus X
dingy green-grey odaj decorated with a faded pattern of crows
heavily bloodstained leathers tooled with an elaborate symbol on the chest Ucu Aevarn X
somber black mourning armband depicting the plight of the Prydaen
yellowed scroll (Malediction) Ucu X
heavy leather shirt painted with muted tribal markings
heavy fur blanket stitched together from the hides of several animals Morpion X
massive war hammer crafted from ironwood and steel Tharqtus X
jagged scythe with a twisted glaes-spiked haft Arathael, Morpion X