Khri Sensing

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Thief thumb.jpgThief Guild
Requirements: Unknown
Slot Cost: 1
Difficulty: Unknown
Type / Skill: khri, combination khri"combination khri" is not in the list (area of effect, cyclic, defense ignoring, shield ignoring, armor ignoring, armor piercing, glyph, healing, heavy offensive, instinct, ...) of allowed values for the "Ability type is" property., khri / Unknown
Use Cost: 16 Concentration on startup + 4 Concentration per pulse
Contest: Unknown vs. Unknown
Path: Unknown
Description: Crow signs, "A new twist on an old favorite. Instead of needing to pick where you want to use this ability when you start, simply activate it, and then FOCUS in the direction you'd like to watch. Do this as often as you like until you can't keep your mind on it any more. You can also FOCUS STOP, if you need to. You'll need to know Dampen."
Effect: , , , , The sensing meditation allows the Thief to see beyond where they are to adjacent areas, and discern what is occuring there. An improvement on the original design allows this sensing to be stopped, started, or refocused in a different direction at any time while the meditation is active.
Messaging: You calm yourself with a deep breath, your senses heightening to the point where you could easily discern what's happening in a nearby area.

  • To use this khri, KHRI START SENSING, then FOCUS <direction>. Acceptable directions are n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, out, up, down. You may FOCUS STOP to stop spying.
  • Uses the Utility skill.