Yamka Wan Bakery

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Incomplete Article
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  • Infobox entry on justice
Yamka Wan Bakery
Province Forfedhdar
Justice Unknown
Town Hibarnhvidar
Map Ranik's Map 116
Owner Unknown
# of Rooms 2
Store Type Food shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Yamka Wan Bakery]
Motes of white drift through the air, dusting patrons with flour or coating them in sugar depending on what is baking at the moment. A wood counter, built of peeled logs thick enough to support the weight of customers peering over at the merchandise, displays pans with the shop's offerings for the day. You also see a wide doorway.

On the sturdy counter
Item Price Done
some stale bread 4   No
a crushed doughnut 1   No
a broken bran muffin 2   No
On the large tray
Item Price Done
a dinner roll 7   No
a slice of chocolate bread 16   No
a slice of brown bread 9   No
a slice of salted bread 9   No
a chunk of hard tack 7   No
a slice of nut bread 10   No
On the baking sheet
Item Price Done
a slice of crumb cake 16   No
a slice of marble pound cake 13   No
a custard tart 22   No
a slice of carrot cake 13   No
On the metal rack
Item Price Done
a sugar-dusted cruller 13   No
a coconut doughnut 9   No
a jelly doughnut 9   No
a coffee bun 12   No

  • Through a wide doorway, can train Stamina here

[Yamka Wan Bakery, Lapnaka Udak]
Heat radiates from a huge oven that dominates one wall of this expansive kitchen. Pots, pans, and a variety of cooking utensils hang from hooks above the broad counters. Off to one side is a long bench next to a picnic table piled high with piping hot pies. You also see a painted sign accented with flowers.

A painted sign reads: Eat Heartier, Get Hardier!