Agrobov's Green Grocer

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Incomplete Article
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Agrobov's Green Grocer
Province Forfedhdar
Justice Unknown
Town Hibarnhvidar
Map Ranik's Map 116
Owner Agrobov
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Food shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Agrobov's Green Grocer]
The foyer of this three-story building also doubles as a produce shop and has been lined with wood-chips and straw to facilitate cleaning. Agrobov slumps on a stool in the corner, next to a bushel of corn husks. A bucket containing bags marked with their supposed weight rests beneath a set of scales suspended from the ceiling. You also see a wood display with some stuff on it, Agrobov, and the street.

[Outer Hibarnhvidar, East Valley Road]
Fresh produce markets compete with each other not only for customers but also for precious space. Their outdoor stands thrust forward from the actual buildings leaving barely enough room for shoppers to pass. A loud hawker down a side street proclaims the virtues of his merchandise in a voice honed raspy with use. You also see a wood display with some stuff on it, a rickety stand with some stuff on it, Micmi's Fruit Shop, and Agrobov's Grocery.

  • The wood display will be inside the shop at night or outside on the street during the day.
On the wood display
Item Price Done
clove of garlic 3   !!
yellow onion 5   !!
sweet potato 4   !!
collard greens 9   !!
red potato 3   !!
head of sweet corn 6   !!
green beans 7   !!
a stalk of broccoli 7   No
spinach 5   !!
leaf lettuce 9   !!
celery 4   !!