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Status Active
Race Rakash
Gender Male
Guild Trader
Instance Prime
Relatives Augstawne Girene Dzirta

Public Records

Early History

At a young age Malakye was approached by Alexii Augstawne to help his people by transcribing the various stories and histories of the Rakash in the Augstawne Girene Dzirta. In the years since their initial meeting, Malakye has joined the pack and committed himself to instructing young Rakash on some of the traditions he has learned from the other members. In addition to this, he continues his own work on a book which documents some of the various groups who once lived in the Rakash homelands. As a resident of the Velakan Desert Malakye can often be seen around the city of Muspar'i at the Silver Coin Inn.


He has pale skin and a scrawny build. He is tiny for a Rakash.


He is tiny for a Rakash.


He is wearing a dashing green silk hair wrap decorated with an emerald-set ivory plate, a pair of scribe's reading glasses attached to a slim golden chain, a slender wrist knife with a Musparan silk wrapped hilt, a slender necklace of deep green marquise emeralds, a bronze scribe's medallion of merit from Asemath Academy, some animite cufflinks inset with faceted emeralds, a loose-fitting ivory Musparan silk shirt, a desert odaj crafted from albino alligator hide, a dashing forest green silk sash with an emerald-set ivory clasp, some desert nauda crafted from albino alligator hide, a padded Musparan silk robe, a desert shroud, a woven shoulder tote, a brown leather scribe's rucksack with a darkened silver clasp and a partisan crafted to resemble a farmers scythe with turnip-stained grips.



... has a bronze scribe's medallion of merit from Asemath Academy which he is very proud of.

... carries a stack of books in his bag everywhere he goes. And he is always looking for more to add to his collection.

... has a fear of Gor'Togs. He says they are, "too big."

... doesn't drink alcohol anymore.