Forging Society (Shard)

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The Shard Forging Society is a place to practice the forging disciplines of Blacksmithing, Armorsmithing, and Weaponsmithing.

Forging Society Master Serric is on hand to issue workorders, teach techniques, and grant a career or hobby if you choose.

Forging Society (Shard)
Province Ilithi
Justice Unknown
Town Shard
Map Ranik's Map 67
Owner Serric
# of Rooms 5
Store Type Crafting shops
This store only accepts Dokoras


Maker's Mark Shop

[Forging Society, Maker's Mark Shop]
Damp walls of alternating limestone and dolomite do little to shield this entryway from the pounding deep inside the forge. A thick oak door leads out onto the streets. You also see a large sign.
Obvious exits: north, east, west.

A large sign reads:
Welcome to the Maker's Mark Shop!  Crafters of some renown can ORDER BASIC specialized marking 
stamps for their designs here.  Crafters with great prestige can ORDER ADVANCED Marks.  If you 
own an older mark and wish to convert it please ORDER a COMPLEX Mark while holding it.  These 
marks are permanent, and will span all Crafting Disciplines.

Book Store

[Forging Society, Book Stand]
From an assortment of manuals and books sold here, instructors walk about tutoring crafters in the way of forging. An occasional disagreement between smiths over nomenclature and the finer points of metallurgy add to noise from the ever-present beating of the forges. You also see a large sign.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast.

A large sign reads:
"Welcome to our store!  We specialize in selling Forging instruction books.  Please ANALYZE and STUDY the books before asking for help.  You may ORDER
merchandise at any time!"
Item Price Done
1). an apprentice blacksmithing book - A collection of easy instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 451   !!
2). a journeyman blacksmithing book - A collection of challenging instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 108,240   !!
3). a master blacksmithing book - A collection of difficult instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 451,000   !!
4). an apprentice armorsmithing book - A collection of easy instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 451   !!
5). a journeyman armorsmithing book - A collection of challenging instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 108,240   !!
6). a master armorsmithing book - A collection of difficult instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 451,000   !!
7). an apprentice weaponsmithing book - A collection of easy instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 451   !!
8). a journeyman weaponsmithing book - A collection of challenging instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 108,240   !!
9). a master weaponsmithing book - A collection of difficult instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 451,000   !!
10). a forging work order logbook - With this logbook, you can ask the crafting trainers for work. 451   
[You may purchase items from the shopkeeper with ORDER #]

Tool Stand

[Forging Society, Tool Stand]
A circular counter encompasses a pile of wicker baskets bulging with forging tools. Attendants tend to the merchandise and help crafters with orders. The sharp scent of metalworking oil hangs in the air as a contrast to the bitter smoke found elsewhere. You also see a large sign and a steel crate.
Obvious exits: north, east, west.

A large sign reads:
"Welcome to our store!  We specialize in selling all manner of Forging tools.  Please ANALYZE all purchased tools before asking for help.  You may
ORDER merchandise at any time, or BUY it from the crate!"
Item Price Done
1). a diagonal-peen hammer - A fundamental tool used to pound metal on an anvil. 451   
2). some straight iron tongs - These sturdy tongs help grip metal being pounded on with a smith's hammer. 451   
3). a curved iron shovel - Basic tool for shoveling fuel into the forges, and mining. 451   
4). some plain iron pliers - Pliers are useful for bending wire and weaving armor links into place. 625   
5). a leather bellows - A handy tool for stoking forge fires. 1082   
6). a flask of oil - A thick and syrupy substance that easily coats and lubricates metal. 50 uses 721   
7). a stirring rod - A stone rod used to stir crucibles full of molten metal. 451   
8). a pouch of aerated salts - Useful for cleaning and repairing crucibles. 1 use 90   
9). a flask of flux - A flask of borax flux useful for refining metals in a crucible. 50 uses 225   
10). an iron wire brush - A thick brush used to clean and repair metal tools. 50 uses 360   
11). a cleaning cloth - Used to clean and bring out new appearances of crafted items. 360   
[You may purchase items from the shopkeeper with ORDER #]
In the steel crate
Item Price Done
small leather backing ?   !!
large leather backing ?   !!
small cloth padding ?   !!
large cloth padding ?   !!
simple oak hilt ?   !!
simple oak haft ?   !!
short leather cord ?   !!
long leather cord ?   !!
short oak pole ?   !!
long oak pole ?   !!
iron shield handle ?   !!
iron shield boss ?   !!

Supply Stand

[Forging Society, Supply Stand]
Enormous piles of ore flanked by glistening ingots dwarf the crafters making purchases here. Rope as thick as a Gor'Tog's waist hang from a trio of massive pulleys used to rearrange crates around the area. You also see a large sign.
Obvious exits: southwest, northwest.

A large sign reads:
"Welcome to our store!  Materials and ingredients used in the forging process are sold here.  You may ORDER merchandise at any time."
Item Price Done
1). a tiny coal nugget 22   No
2). a massive coal nugget 153   No
3). a tiny oravir nugget 45   No
4). a tiny tin nugget 36   !!
5). a tiny zinc nugget 90   !!
6). a tiny iron nugget 94   No
7). a massive iron nugget 902   No
8). a tiny steel ingot - medium carbon 162   !!
9). a massive steel ingot - medium carbon 1442   !!
10). a tiny nickel nugget 90   No
11). a huge bronze ingot 405   No
12). a tiny copper nugget 58   No
13). a tiny lead nugget 45   No
You may purchase items from the shopkeeper with ORDER #

Deed vendor

[Forging Society, Depot]
Dozens of wooden sleds and carts line the walls next to the supply depot. Well-muscled men arranged into an assembly line haul goods back and forth, while a steady stream of crafters challenges their ability to keep up. You also see a large sign.
Obvious exits: south.

A large sign reads:
Welcome to the Deed Vendor.  Not all mining locations are civilized enough to offer immediate deeding of resources.  To accommodate the fearless
miner, deed packets are available for purchase here.  Crafters may also use these to deed finished goods.  Please STUDY them for instructions, and
ORDER them at any time!
Item Price Done
1). a small packet of deed claim forms - A packet of 10 claim forms used to deed materials and crafted goods. 902   !!
2). a packet of deed claim forms - A packet of 50 claim forms used to deed materials and crafted goods. 4,510   !!
3). a large packet of deed claim forms - A packet of 250 claim forms used to deed materials and crafted goods. 22,550   !!
You may purchase items from the shopkeeper with ORDER #