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Cemsiat was a Prydaen Hunter who broke the law of the Triquetra by killing Tagol. His story is portrayed in the book "Without my Pride".

Cemsiat was condemned by Demrris to walk the lands alone, never again to feel the comfort of the Pride. Since that time, any Prydaen who slays one of our own is considered his kin and also labeled "Cemsiat".


The title of Cemsiat is not an honored one. It is the worst curse that can be branded upon a Prydaen, and is comparable to the S'Kra Mur title of Smozh.

A Cemsiat is a kinslayer, and is no longer considered to be Prydaen. They instead are considered anathema, and thought of as nothing more than a whisper of wind. Tenemlor damns the Cemsiat's soul, never allowing it to return to the Wheel.

The Cemsiat usually have their tails removed, and a magical brand is placed on them so that all may know their shame. They are considered dead to Prydaens, of less status than even the "furless." Some find redemption in their lifetime and are allowed to return to Tenemlor's embrace, but most never return to the Wheel, and in death are lost to the void.