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Romhos Aoenfall
Race Rakash
Gender Male
Guild Unguilded
Instance Prime

Public Records


You see Romhos Aoenfall, Vice-Speaker of the Order of the Black Fox, a Rakash.
Romhos has pointed ears and silver-flecked violet eyes. His white hair is very long and wavy, and is worn pulled back in a multitude of beaded braids. He has ebon skin and a brawny build.
He is young for a Rakash.
He has a tattoo of a water sprite dancing around a willow tree on his neck.

He is wearing a crossbow crafted from fine Katamba-black wood that has been carved to suggest the shapes of long bones, a crocodile-skin buckler, some jagged rock crystal knuckleguards, a visored chain helm, some well-made gargoyle-hide gloves, some perfect gargoyle-hide leathers, a black oak steppe bow wrapped with grey horsehair twined through polished vertebrae, a black gem pouch, a red sash, a platinum kyanite gwethdesuan, a large canvas sack, a heavy silver clasp etched with an open coin purse over crossed stilettos, an etched steel parry stick with black leather straps, a pair of gum-soled brown canvas boots, a flashy gold pin engraved with the words, "Never Buy, Only Liberate", a silver-tipped spear, a black canvas shaving kit, some pitted steel-toed footwraps, an enameled sheath inlaid with panels of silver trimmed in brass, a white silk belt with a simple seed-pearl clasp, a pitch-black pack, an arm pouch, a silver triquetra clasp, a brushed silver thigh bag trimmed with glaysker flowers, some engraved elbow spikes, some embellished knee spikes, an iron-spiked leather collar, a darkened silver badge emblazoned with the words "Professional Locksmith", an interlocking puzzle ring, a bronzed pinky ring inset with a carved carnelian, an albredine crystal ring, a gold varna ring, a gold eyebrow ring, a white gold eyebrow ring, a leather thigh quiver embossed with a pair of yellow wolf's eyes, a black watered silk rantija, a dark grey odaj, an embroidered black satin laulivas laufisana, a worked leather armband, a fine silver chain and a black velvet badge stamped with, "Death happens!".


You see Romhos Aoenfall, of the Order of the Black Fox, a Rakash.
He has a wolfish face, pointed ears, violet eyes and a squared muzzle, a black and sable coat with white masking, a long tail and a brawny build.
He has a tattoo of a water sprite dancing around a willow tree on his neck.