Klurn Odarien Memorial Togball Tournament

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Klurn Odarien Memorial Togball Tournament

The Klurn Odarien Memorial Togball Tournament is the first Togball Tournament of this Klurn Memorial Event, that will repeat every 4 Elanthian years.

Entrants of all races are coming from all provinces within Elanthia to compete for prizes. However, Gor'Togs will clearly have the advantage in this sporting environment, so it is to each team's advantage to have as many members as possible be Gor'Togs. Orders entering as teams are allowed to recruit any non-order member as a team member.

As in any legitimate Togball Tournament, Referees and Officiates MUST be Paladins of any race. If fouls are committed on the field of play, they will cast the Halt spell to keep problems from erupting. They are also charged with keeping spectators from entering the field.

The object of TogBall is to carry a live ball across the goal line. This is known in the vernacular as "scoring a point." Whichever team has scored more points at the end of a pre-determined length of time is declared the winner of the match. If neither side has scored a point before the clock runs out, play continues until one side scores a point.

Results & Prizes


  • No spells or magic of any kind are allowed to be in effect. (This is to avoid arguing or constantly checking Elanthipedia to determine which spells might affect the outcome.)
  • No stat or skill buffs are allowed. This means all spells and special abilities, which includes weight-reducing spells, Empathic links, constellation jewelry, or any other buff deemed unallowable because it changes stats or skills.
  • Togballs will be provided, and replacing the 'official' togball in use will be an automatic disqualification of the entire team. Only the Referee can replace the togball in use.
  • Cheating will be an automatic disqualification of the entire team.

Team Registration Reqs:

  • Team Captains must register their teams with Gwenddolyn by June 11, 2021 to participate in this event. Please contact her by personal gweth only.
  • Teams must consist of: No less than 6 members: 1 goal-keeper called Head-Splitter, 2 defensive blockers called Maulers, 3 forwards called Stompers, and 3 allowable replacements of the above, making the maximum total of 9 members.

Official TogBall teams consist of nine players, six of which may be allowed on the field at any given time. Of the six allowed on the field, one is the goal-keeper called a Head-Splitter, two are defensive blockers called Maulers, with the other three being forwards called Stompers. The three remaining members are replacements, able to move anywhere along the perimeter of the field without actually crossing the boundaries marking the field.

Replacement of injured players is quite simple: the injured player must make it to the sidelines under his or her own power. If the player is unable to do so, either from grievous injuries or death, he or she must be carried off the field by active players. Only then may a replacement enter the field of play. Note that there is no particular side of the field from which the new player is required to enter from.

Tournament Team #1 Team #2 Winner Prize!
Qualifier #1 TBD TBD TBD Template:TBD
Qualifier #2 TBD TBD TBD Template:TBD
Qualifier #3 TBD TBD TBD Template:TBD
Qualifier #4 TBD TBD TBD Template:TBD
Semi-final #1 TBD TBD TBD Template:TBD
Semi-Final #2 TBD TBD TBD Template:TBD
Final Tournament TBD TBD TBD Template:TBD

Action Points
XXXX X point
XXXX X points
XXXX X points
XXXX X points (instant victory)
