Jump Jewelry

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Jump Jewelry is personal teleportation device that is sold by Baravor's Wagon in the Platinum instance or through microtransactions in all instances. These items will instantly transport you to a location if the right moon is up.


  • STUDY <JUMP JEWELRY ITEM>: Information on your specific piece of jewelry.
  • TAP <JUMP JEWELRY ITEM>: Attunes the jewelry to the current room you're in. The attuned room is the room you'll be teleporting to.
  • RUB <JUMP JEWELRY ITEM>: To activate the jewelry and teleport to the room you've attuned it to.

Note: Make sure the appropriate moon is present in the sky by using OBSERVE SKY. You will be unable to teleport without the proper moon in the sky.

Microtransaction Jump Jewelry

The SimuCoin jump jewelry works slightly different from its Platinum equivalents. It can be tied to any location, always is tied to a specific moon, and has either a specific number of charges (cannot be recharged) or a period of function in which it can be used an unlimited amount of time.

Regardless of the total use limitations, there is a 20 minute timer between individual uses, based on the item, not the user. This means it is possible to "bypass" the timer by owning multiple versions.


BE CAREFUL, with the item you purchase:

  • Some JJ items from the Simustore come pre-set to teleport to specific rooms.
  • If the teleportation room is not set, TAP can be used while standing in the room you want to teleport to. Be careful not to use the TAP verb until you are ready to set the teleportation spell as the location can never be changed. There is no confirmation step; you TAP once and it's done.
  • When using jump jewelry with limited charges, use of RUB will burn a charge whether you teleport or not. Check that the moon you're using to teleport is in the sky.
  • Jump jewelry items will delete themselves when their uses are gone or the time expires.


Once purchased, to receive your Jump Jewelry within the game:

  3. Finally, type SIMUCOIN DELIVER # CONFIRM.
  4. If using a bronze/silver/gold coupon, please see Gold-Inked Jewelry Coupon


A full list of Microtransaction jewelry and other purchasable items can be found on the SimuCoin page.

Note: Kermoria as the Destination indicates the target destination of the item can be set manually by the user at most outdoor locations in the known 5 provinces.

Platinum Jump Jewelry

Platinum Jump Jewelry works different from the SimuCoin versions. They begin with 20 charges, which can be recharged by a Moon Mage with 100% success at 300 Arcana.

The less expensive ready-to-use devices are pre-attuned to certain rooms and moons.

Item Destination Moon Cost (Lirums)
burnished ruby stud Crossing Yavash 2,500
blue star sapphire ring Leth Deriel Yavash 2,500
polished ebonwood earcuff Muspar'i Katamba 2,500
radiant jade pendant Riverhaven Xibar 3,500
lustrous black pearl ring Therenborough (NTR) Katamba 1,500
braided gold wristband Shard Katamba 3,000
wine-colored garnet ring Aesry Surlaenis'a Yavash 2,000
sculpted alexandrite ring Mer'Kresh Katamba 2,000
tarnished silver armband Ratha Xibar 800

For 1-2 plat, you can buy blank Jump Jewelry that Moon Mages can attune to a room of your choosing.

Test instance

Using the command TEST CRYSTAL, you can get a crystal shard to jump to different areas. The table below lists the area and the color:

Clear Nowhere (Initial Setting)
Red Crossing (Town Green North)
Blue Leth Deriel (Center of town)
Green Riverhaven (Crate)
Yellow Shard (outside Stormwill tower)
Grey Ratha (Southwest of Engineering Society)
Violet Aesry (North of the General Store)
Purple Mer'Kresh (Dock to Hara'jaal)
Lavender M'Riss (Dock to Mer'Kresh)
Black Fruitstand between Therenborough and Langenfirth*
Pink Tiger Clan (Just inside the gate)
Fuchsia Vela'Tohr (Near Boar Clan)
Turquoise Hibarnhvidar (Outside West Gate)
Canary Boar Clan (Just inside the gate)
Golden Muspar'i (Great Gate Square)

* You cannot jump from within the fruitstand, you have to step outside.

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