Drathrok's Duskruin 435/Drathrok's Assemblage

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Drathrok's Duskruin 435/Drathrok's Assemblage
Event Drathrok's Duskruin 435
Owner Drathrok DuskruinDrathrok Duskruin
# of Rooms 10
Store Type Crafting shops, Magic shops, Weapon shops
This store only accepts Duskruin Bloodscrip

Front Rooms


[Drathrok's Assemblage]
Hanging gaethzen globes cast an even glow along the tent walls. Prizes fill a series of differently-shaped displays, attractively laid out to tempt passers-by into becoming buyers. A large banner reads, "READ each surface to be sure you understand the nature of the item you're purchasing before you GET it. No refunds!"
You also see an upraised hand, a lacquered counter, an ornate alabaster pedestal, a bucket of viscous gloop, a canvas flap, a polished telothian bookstand and a battered wooden stand.
Obvious exits: south.

pointing index finger
Item Price Done
"The chalk will change your rat's appearance. Study the different chalk to see what they do!"
light rat chalk 20   
colorful rat chalk 20   
heavy rat chalk 20   
crooked thumb
Item Price Done
"The serums increase different abilities for your rat. Study the serums to see what they do!"
fizzy rat serum 33   
bubbly rat serum 33   
goopy rat serum 33   
greasy rat serum 33   
syrupy rat serum 33   
small pinky
Item Price Done
"The pomades make rats friendlier or more aggressive!"
some stinky rat pomade 67   No
some balmy rat pomade 67   No
lacquered counter
Item Price Done
"These rideable creations and creatures are very peaceful. Mostly. Ride in style!"
yeehar trinket 12000   
giant trinket 12000   
Pentathar trinket 12000   
ornate alabaster pedestal
Item Price Done
An ornate alabaster pedestal reads: "Dragons? Well, if you insist."
dragon talisman 201,900   
polished telothian bookstand
Item Price Done
"The SLENDER almanac will teach a random WEAPON skill, while the REINFORCED almanac will teach a random ARMOR skill. As a reminder, neither almanac will teach a guild skill. Guild skills are only taught with the general random-skill almanac or the specific-skill almanac."
reinforced almanac bound with midnight-blue titanese 50000   
slender almanac bound between polished kertig plates 50000   
battered wooden stand
Item Price Done
"The pouch on the stand holds a random incidental found in the Arena, Maze, and Heist, but is NOT an artifact from Heist!"
steelsilk arm pouch embroidered with crossed swords 200   

Silver Showroom

[Drathrok's Assemblage, Silver Showroom]
Hanging gaethzen globes cast an even glow along the tent walls. Prizes fill a series of differently-shaped displays, attractively laid out to tempt passers-by into becoming buyers. A large banner reads, "READ each surface to be sure you understand the nature of the item you're purchasing before you GET it. No refunds!"
You also see a cracked table, a crooked shelf, a platinum tray, a wooden counter and an overturned bucket.
Obvious exits: north, east, south, west.

cracked table
Item Price Done
"Seamstress Zasele says this chest of metal is so heavy, it needs to be over here by itself. She also mentioned the metal it might contain is generally worth more, so the price must rise."
large chest 310   DG
crooked shelf
Item Price Done
"Don't like the weapons we made for those awful mice? Make your own!"
huge haledroth shard 3365   
crystal-bone stack 3365   
fulginode boulder 3365   
finivire lumber 3365   
platinum tray
Item Price Done
"An exciting array of gems for you to decorate with!"
winter emerald 845   
glacier emerald 845   
frostflare opal 845   
aurora opal 845   DG
wooden counter
Item Price Done
These containers were assembled by Seamstress Zasele and associates. She did not disclose the contents, though they each contain a random assortment of gems, coins, and materials. Small chest will contain dyes, the backpack has bone stacks, the chest is metals, the pouch is fabrics, the knapsack is leather and the canvas sack will contain some kind of stone. Choose carefully and good luck! No refunds or exchanges!"
large canvas sack 210   DG
traveler's knapsack 210   DG
leather pouch 210   
sturdy backpack 210   DG
small chest 210   DG
overturned bucket
Item Price Done
"The crafting material inside the woven bag can be anything! Stone, leather, fabric, metal, bone, or dyes!"
woven bag 169   

Violet Showroom

[Drathrok's Assemblage, Violet Showroom]
Hanging gaethzen globes cast an even glow along the tent walls. Prizes fill a series of differently-shaped displays, attractively laid out to tempt passers-by into becoming buyers. A large banner reads, "READ each surface to be sure you understand the nature of the item you're purchasing before you GET it. No refunds!"
You also see a wooden toolbox, a marble stand, a warped table, a wooden bookcase, a small box, a sturdy tray, a blue velvet curtain and a nervous urchin.
Obvious exits: east, south.

wooden toolbox
Item Price Done
"The golden sack contains an oilskin pouch that creates its own supply of forging oil every 6 hours and can be worn on the belt!"
golden sack painted with a flask of oil 1375   
marble stand
Item Price Done
"If you want a family vault, get a Rundmolen lease! If you want to hire 60 urchin runners, then get a parchment contract. If you're not sure how many you need, the urchin contract is good for 30 days of runners. Or maybe you just want your own recliner chair."
Rundmolen lease 575   
parchment contract marked with the crest of the Traders' Guild 575   
urchin contract marked with the crest of the Traders' Guild 575   
compact wood-framed recliner with a golden rat emblem 575   
warped table
Item Price Done
"Each set of instructions on this table can be used three times!"
heavy combat boot instructions 3365   
imbricated manica instructions 3365   
full-visored galea instructions 3365   
augmented gladiatorial armor instructions 3365   
augmented gladiatorial gauntlet instructions 3365   
wooden bookcase
Item Price Done
"Each set of instructions on the bookcase, tray, and box can be used once. Samples of these items have been crafted with a 67% tyrium and 33% platinum mix, to show you what the possibilities are. These samples are displayed on the wall."
serrated naginata instructions 5045   
balanced tonfa instructions 5045   
Imperial quilted hauberk instructions 5045   
Imperial hauberk instructions 5045   
Imperial ringmail hauberk instructions 5045   
Imperial banded-mail instructions 5045   
Imperial plate instructions 5045   
small box
Item Price Done
"The instructions on this box will allow for one use."
phalanx sword instructions 5875   
sturdy tray
Item Price Done
"The instructions on this tray will allow for one use."
light pernach instructions 8450   
Imperial spear instructions 8450   
serrated parazonium instructions 8450   

Orange Showroom

[Drathrok's Assemblage, Orange Showroom]
Hanging gaethzen globes cast an even glow along the tent walls. Prizes fill a series of differently-shaped displays, attractively laid out to tempt passers-by into becoming buyers. A large banner reads, "READ each surface to be sure you understand the nature of the item you're purchasing before you GET it. No refunds!"
You also see a suave mannequin, an elaborate display, a squat counter, a short stand and a scarred wooden vanity.
Obvious exits: north, east, south.

suave mannequin
Item Price Done
"Just some lovely robes with deep pockets and a bit of liveliness to them."
ornate robes of deep purple dreamweave 3365   
elaborate display
Item Price Done
An elaborate display reads: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Read each mirror to see how it may change how the world sees you!"
red-veined mirror reflecting a blank face with bloodshot eyes 835   
steel mirror reflecting a blank face with piercing eyes 835   
filigreed mirror painted with a pair of disdainful eyes 835   
dark mirror reflecting a blank face with sunken eyes 835   
golden mirror reflecting a blank face with hawkish eyes 835   
electrum mirror reflecting a face with electrifying eyes 835   
icesteel mirror reflecting a face with cold eyes 835   
flamewood mirror reflecting a face with blazing 835   !!
squat counter
Item Price Done
"Thinner? Heavier? Look at each mirror to see how it may change how the world sees you!"
slim mirror painted with a sylphlike figure 835   
hefty mirror painted with a strapping figure 835   
large mirror painted with a broad-shouldered figure 835   
wide mirror painted with a barrel-chested figure 835   
round iron mirror painted with a tubby figure 835   
long oak mirror painted with a rawboned figure 835   
cracked haon mirror painted with a cadaverous figure 835   
short stand
Item Price Done
"Taller? Shorter? Look at each mirror to see how it may change how the world sees you!"
small mirror reflecting an undersized height 835   
blue mirror reflecting an unusually tall height 835   
graceful mirror reflecting a petite height 835   
unremarkable mirror reflecting a modest height 835   
marble-framed mirror reflecting a statuesque height 835   
scarred wooden vanity
Item Price Done
"Scars can be distinguishing marks! Look at each mirror to see how it may change how the world sees you!"
teak mirror reflecting a distinguishing mark - an undulating scar across the cheek 835   
maple mirror reflecting a distinguishing mark - an expansive scar winding across the forehead and terminating through the left eyebrow 835   
steel mirror reflecting a distinguishing mark - an assortment of short, thin scars criss-crossing the right cheek 835   
marble mirror reflecting a distinguishing mark - an acid burn mottling the left side of the cheek 835   

Blue Showroom

[Drathrok's Assemblage, Blue Showroom]
Hanging gaethzen globes cast an even glow along the tent walls. Prizes fill a series of differently-shaped displays, attractively laid out to tempt passers-by into becoming buyers. A large banner reads, "READ each surface to be sure you understand the nature of the item you're purchasing before you GET it. No refunds!"
You also see a tiny stand, a delicate display, a pair of iron hooks, a ramshackle folding rack, a vividly painted cabinet, a driftwood trunk and a painted sign with an arrow pointing at a driftwood trunk.
Obvious exits: north, east.

tiny stand
Item Price Done
"I've placed a single scroll within this pouch. It could be some great lost spell from ages past, or it could be Air Bubble. The only way to find out is to purchase it. No refunds, returns or exchanges allowed!"
darkened leather hip pouch branded with a rolled scroll 165   
delicate display
Item Price Done
"Elemental chains, holy devotion, and bones that retain a semblance of life lend you a focus for your magical attention!"
moradu-bone amulet strung from a rope of braided bloodstained bandages 845   
devotional amulet carved from Idon's sapphire 845   
series of diacan chains wrapped around an enormous flame opal 845   
pair of iron hooks
Item Price Done
"This staff can hold runes like the ones on the bargain bin, or any other you might have hanging around. Also, it looks neat!"
gnarled lirisan staff 1650   
ramshackle folding rack
Item Price Done
These items are not for the faint of heart. It takes one skilled in the ways of triage and first aid. While a novice may muddle through, the experience could be quite gruesome. These devices will empower one to sense other forms of mana nearby, but NOT how to draw upon it.
shining gold tuner 1680   
bright silver tuner 1680   
patinated copper tuner 1680   
scintillating electrum tuner 1680   
vividly painted cabinet
Item Price Done
"Inkpots, naturally, are tattoos. Read each one to know the spell."
globular green inkpot - "Swarm" 4150   
faceted onyx inkpot - "Halt" 4150   
platinum inkpot - "Hands of Kertigen" 4150   
square azure inkpot - "Geyser" 4150   
curvaceous inkpot - "Glythtide's Gift" 4150   
bright white inkpot - "Bless" 4150   
ice-white inkpot - "Ice Patch" 4150   
driftwood trunk
Item Price Done
"For a neat explanation of the contents, please read the sign!"
A painted sign with an arrow pointing at a driftwood trunk reads: "Improve your performance in the arena! Impress your friends! Burn rivals. These devices are constructed to the finest standards and will replenish their energy over time."
small bog oak statuette of a man - Ignite 5050   
tightly rolled scroll of blackened paper - Soul Sickness 5050   
blackened fang capped with a ruby teardrop - Huldah's Pall 5050   
blue glass bottle with a crackled interior - Wisdom of the Pack 5050   
curving bloodwood branch - Mental Focus 5050   
tiny platinum crown studded with molten-core diamonds - Compel 5050   
slender greenheart wand capped with a tangled ball of vines - Curse of the Wilds 5050   !!
slender glass phial fitted with a blood ruby stopper - Blood Stauching 5050   

Yellow Showroom

[Drathrok's Assemblage, Yellow Showroom]
Hanging gaethzen globes cast an even glow along the tent walls. Prizes fill a series of differently-shaped displays, attractively laid out to tempt passers-by into becoming buyers. A large banner reads, "READ each surface to be sure you understand the nature of the item you're purchasing before you GET it. No refunds!"
You also see a silver tray, a leather-covered trunk, a low wooden workbench, a shiny platinum stand, a stately kertig mannequin, a sturdy oak furniture display and a miniature alabaster mountain.
Obvious exits: north, east, west.

silver tray
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
leather-covered trunk
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
low wooden workbench
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
shiny platinum stand
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
stately kertig mannequin
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
sturdy oak furniture display
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
miniature alabaster mountain
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No

Green Showroom

[Drathrok's Assemblage, Green Showroom]
Hanging gaethzen globes cast an even glow along the tent walls. Prizes fill a series of differently-shaped displays, attractively laid out to tempt passers-by into becoming buyers. A large banner reads, "READ each surface to be sure you understand the nature of the item you're purchasing before you GET it. No refunds!"
You also see a miniature glaes inferno, a small curio that looks slightly larger than it did before, an oversized amethyst geode, a wheeled cart with a canvas canopy, a fiery display, a sturdy hook on the wall and a silvery birch stand.
Obvious exits: north, west.

miniature glae inferno
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
small tray
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
mid-sized tray
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
large tray
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
oversized amethyst geode
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
wheeled cart with a canvas canopy
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
fiery display
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
sturdy hook on the wall
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
silvery birch stand
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No

Red Showroom

[Drathrok's Assemblage, Red Showroom]
Hanging gaethzen globes cast an even glow along the tent walls. Prizes fill a series of differently-shaped displays, attractively laid out to tempt passers-by into becoming buyers. A large banner reads, "READ each surface to be sure you understand the nature of the item you're purchasing before you GET it. No refunds!"
You also see a woven net, a rustic mantle, a haledroth stand etched with mechanical mice, an e'erdream handcart, a hulking weapon display, a lurid green spear rack and some damite shield hooks.
Obvious exits: morth, west, south.

woven net
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
rusty mantle
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
haledroth stand etched with mechanical mice
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
e'erdream handcart
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
hulking weapon display
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
lurid green spear rack
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
damite shield hooks
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No

Gold Showroom

[Drathrok's Assemblage, Gold Showroom]
Hanging gaethzen globes cast an even glow along the tent walls. Prizes fill a series of differently-shaped displays, attractively laid out to tempt passers-by into becoming buyers. A large banner reads, "READ each surface to be sure you understand the nature of the item you're purchasing before you GET it. No refunds!"
You also see a flashy display, a bargain bin, a stack of parchment, a large bloodwood wardrobe and a fancy silver document holder.
Obvious exits: south, west.

flashy display
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
bargain bin
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
stack of parchment
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
large bloodwood wardrobe
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
fancy silver document holder
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No

Dispenser Central

[Drathrok's Assemblage, Dispenser Central]
Hanging gaethzen globes cast an even glow along the tent walls. Prizes fill a series of differently-shaped displays, attractively laid out to tempt passers-by into becoming buyers. A large banner reads, "READ each surface to be sure you understand the nature of the item you're purchasing before you GET it. No refunds!"
You also see an IMPORTANT NOTICE placed near the dispensers, a mirror claymore dispenser, a celestial regalia dispenser, a comber's boots dispenser, an iridescent cube dispenser, a lifesculpted pelletbow dispenser and a waste basket.
Obvious exits: north,east, south, west.

mirror claymore dispenser
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
celestial regalia dispenser
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
comber's boots dispenser
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
iridescent cube dispenser
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No
lifesculpted pelletbow dispenser
Item Price Done
Item Amount   No