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Blue-belly crocodile (1)

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blue-belly crocodile (1)
Unknown creature.jpg
Creature Levels:
    Overall 22
    Level Variance -
    Natural Attack 22
    Weapon Attack 0
    Defense 22
    Player Estimated -
Potential overall skill: 88
Skill Cap 100 to 140
Skinnable Yes
Has Coins No
Has Gems No
Has Boxes No
Has Other Unknown
Uses Weapons Unknown
Alignment No
Corporeal Yes
Construct No
Casts Spells No
Attack Range Melee
Stealthy No
Special Attacks No
Special Defenses Unknown
Body Type unknown
Body Type (Alt) unknown
Body Size unknown
Premium-Only Unknown
Skinning Details
Skin Name crocodile skin
Skin Weight 10
Bone Name crocodile bones
Bone Weight 9
Ranks Required 73
Max Value 376 Kronars300.8 Lirums <br />271.322 Dokoras <br />0.376 LTBpoints <br />0.376 Tickets <br />0.376 Scrips <br />
Max Arranged 421 Kronars336.8 Lirums <br />303.794 Dokoras <br />0.421 LTBpoints <br />0.421 Tickets <br />0.421 Scrips <br />
Manipulatable Yes
Skill Required ? / ?
Teaching Cap ?


The blue-belly crocodile is large, approximately 30 feet in length from snout to tail. Bony plates cover its back and tail forming a kind of armor on its thick skin. The crocodile has a long, triangular snout. Its teeth, 30 to 40 in each jaw, are set into sockets in the jawbones and interlock when the mouth is closed; the fourth tooth from the front on each side of the jaw can always be seen, even when its mouth is shut. It is amphibious, spending most of time in the water, where it swims with rhythmic strokes of its tail. The tail is also used to capture prey, sweeping it from shallow to deeper water, where it can be devoured more easily. As it floats almost completely submerged, the crocodile's protruding nostrils and eyes and a portion of its back are the only parts visible as it stalks its prey. It moves most quickly in a belly crawl, but can also walk on all four legs.

In Depth


Haven Ferry (swamp) Crocs:
Defense soft cap at 130
Offense soft cap at 120
Offense Hard cap at 121
Skinning still teaches well at 161

Shard Crocs:
Teaches evasion until 134.
Shard crocs are still locking evasion at 159 on 6/30/17.
At 120 Parry, as Weapons secondary guild, slowed considerably even with 4

If you fight the in the Marsh, you'll quickly notice that you can move in the eight directions. The Marsh is a maze, so you may not exactly go the direction you want to (No messaging indicates this, unlike the Black Leucro area) so backtracking your way out will not work. To find your way out, walk around and type LOOK REED or until you find the shack. From there, go west, go northwest, and GO REED to exit the area. For a script to exit the area, go here.

Additionally, Rangers can SEARCH to find the direction of both the reeds leading out as well as to the shack. Not certain if this is based on skill, circle or a combination, but should be possible by the time the creatures can be hunted.

Note that some verbs do not function in the Marsh as they do normally, particularly STALK, HUNT, KICK, and FLEE.

  • Not sure what doesn't function about HUNT, it works perfectly fine and normal for me on multiple characters, which is actually weird since it's a water area.
  • STALK and KICK work just fine as well, able to kick crocs for brawling and piles of collected rocks normally.
  • FLEE works just has some weird messaging.