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Misshapen germish'din

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Misshapen Germish'din
Creature Levels:
    Overall ?
    Level Variance -
    Natural Attack ?
    Weapon Attack ?
    Defense ?
    Player Estimated 61
Potential overall skill: ?
Skill Cap 330 to 520
Skinnable Yes
Has Coins Yes
Has Gems Yes
Has Boxes Yes
Has Other Unknown
Uses Weapons Unknown
Alignment Unknown
Corporeal Yes
Construct No
Casts Spells No
Attack Range Melee
Stealthy No
Special Attacks Yes
Special Defenses Unknown
Body Type Biped
Body Type (Alt) unknown
Body Size unknown
Premium-Only Unknown
Skinning Details
Part Name blackened collarbone
Part Weight 4
Ranks Required <250"" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 250.
Max Value >875 Kronars">" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.
Max Arranged ?
Locksmithing Details
Skill Required Careful: ?
Teaching Cap ?
Manipulatable ?
Skill Required ? / ?
Teaching Cap ?


Held together by a patchwork layer of leathery skin, the misshapen germish'din is a mass of powerful muscle bound by rows of heavy stitching. A menagerie of twisted limbs rise from the beast's body at disturbingly obtuse angles, but there is little that would convey any awkwardness to its attack. Perhaps the most prominent feature of the germish'din is not its misshapen form, but its pair of large, blackened eyes, sewn tightly shut with thick cord.

In Depth

Name means "Nameless" in Gamgweth.

Special Attacks

  • Snatch weapon/shield away
  • Throw into next room
  • NOTE: After multiple tests, the snatch/throw special attacks happen ONLY when someone else is hunting with you. This has been tested after many months of testing and has only occurred when someone else has been hunting in the same room.


Immune to stuns
Soft caps evasion at 479 (Survival Prime)


-Appears they cap out stealth fairly quick now, at 397 Stealths it's VERY hard to get it over 1/34. This is on barbarian using hide, stalk, poach/ambush.

-- Stealth starts going 1/34 and not rising above at 385.

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apr. 2016

  • You are certain that it is not quite as strong as you are.(str 55)
  • You are certain that it is not quite as agile as you are.(agi 45)
  • You are certain that it is rather less disciplined than you are.(dis 50)
  • You are certain that it is about as quick to react as you are.(refl 40+)
  • You are certain that it is rather less conditioned than you are.(sta 50+)
  • Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a skirmisher's shield and a tempered bludgeon, you are certain that the misshapen *germish'din is definitely less skilled.
  • Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a tempered bludgeon, you are certain that the misshapen germish'din is a very easy opponent.
  • If you attacked with a tempered bludgeon, you are certain that the enemy would train rather well.(sb 290)
  • If you threw the bludgeon at the enemy you are certain that it would train rather well.
  • If you defended by parrying attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train acceptably.(parry 413)
  • If you defended by evading attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train acceptably.(evas. 391)
  • If you defended by blocking attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train somewhat poorly.(shield 429)
  • If you attempted to beguile the enemy with tactics, you are certain that it would train somewhat poorly.
  • If you targeted and cast a spell at the enemy, you are certain that it would train rather well.(tm. 363)
  • If you attempted to debilitate the enemy, you are certain that it would train rather well.(debil, 362)
  • boxes generally trivial (lock 398)
  • skinning trains well without arranging (364)