Item:Unlonchai bucket

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

unlonchai bucket
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 20 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 3,125 Kronars2,500 Lirums <br />2,255 Dokoras <br />3.125 LTBpoints <br />3.125 Tickets <br />3.125 Scrips <br />
  • This item is a container or has pockets.
  • This item is worn in an unknown or unset slot.
  • This item is used in the alchemy crafting system.
Dimensions: 6 length x 3 width x 3 height
Capacity: 6 length x 3 width x 3 height (400 stones)
Sources: Source is Taernen's Alchemical and Herbal Supplies, Sisters In Lore, Shard's Osut'vie, Item:Olive-green oilcloth alchemist's haversack with a black iron clasp, Chizili's Alchemical Goods (obsolete)


An Alchemic tool used to freeze items. Place item to be frozen in the Ulonchai Bucket, close the bucket and shake it. Careful of overshaking the bucket, or shaking it when empty - the bucket is operated by an elemental spirit, and if you annoy the spirit, it will come out and shove YOU in the bucket!

You give your unlonchai bucket a good shaking.
A loud belch comes from inside your unlonchai bucket.

You give your unlonchai bucket a good shaking.
You hear a groan from your unlonchai bucket, which pops open, and some icy green goo flies out, splattering onto your chain shirt.

An icy form materializes out of your unlonchai bucket, and exclaims, "Enough is enough! Let us see how YOU like being shaken around!"

The frosty elemental glares at you, grabs you and stuffs you tightly in the unlonchai bucket and closes it on you.
[Inside the bucket] It's dark and very cramped in here.
Obvious exits: none.
You are then shaken around inside the unlonchai bucket as it quakes around you.

You hear the voice of the icy form sarcastically ask, "Now how does that feel?"

Then you feel as if you were falling an impossible distance which ends with a bone jarring thud.

You hear a cracking sound and the unlonchai bucket break apart around you, dumping you out on to the ground.
You are dazed from your experience.

Variations of Unlonchai bucket