Home command

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The HOME command is used to provide information about the player home system in general as well as the homes available in your current room, and to manage settings and give details related to your character's home if you have one.

Homes are currently available with a Premium or Platinum subscription, or through purchasing an Unsigned deed as a separate payment.

Usage and Syntax

  HOME HELP [#]........Provides documentation and policy information for homes.
  HOME LOOK............Returns some general information about the area.
  HOME CLAIM [#].......Claims an available home in your current room.
  HOME CHANGE..........Changes the way your room is described.
  HOME SWAP............Enables you to swap the position of your 'bed' and 'table' items.
  HOME GUEST [player]..Sets ONE guest who may enter the home at any time.
  HOME GUEST CLEAR.....Clears your guest.
  HOME SCENT...........Changes the scent of your home.
  HOME PRIVACY.........Changes familiar and locate settings.
  HOME SAVE............Saves your room description, scent, privacy options and guest.
  HOME CLERKS..........Lists the housing clerks around the realms.
  HOME RECLAIM.........Retrieves non-furniture items if your home has been reclaimed.
  HOME RECALL..........Reminds you of some of your home's qualities.
  HOME REMOVE..........Allows you to remove custom furniture from your home.
  HOME DEED............Turns your home and its contents into a deed.
  HOME CATALOG.........List items available for your home by province.
  • STUDY DOOR/HOME: Information on the home in question:
You study an unremarkable shed carefully. It seems to be a freestanding home, with a window, located in a lowerclass rural area.
Any race or guild could live here.
This particular home is owned by someone already.

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