Item:Pair of sturdy riding boots

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

pair of sturdy riding boots
Look: These light brown riding boots have a wide calf and a turned-over cuff showing a fleece lining.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item is worn in the feet slot.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Sold by Force of Habit for 5,412 dokoras
Source is Force of Habit (3), Force of Habit (2), Force of Habit (1)
  • STUDY BOOTS: You feel that you can CLEAN the sturdy boots if you had some shoe polish. You could also DANCE, TAP, RUB, KICK or MARCH with the sturdy boots.
  • DANCE BOOTS: You leap into a fighting stance, ready for action!
Name leaps into a fighting stance, ready for action.
  • TAP BOOTS: You tap your foot against the ground, debating your next move.
Name taps his foot against the ground, looking indecisive.
  • RUB BOOTS: You reach down and rub a smudge from your sturdy boots.
Name reaches down to rub a smudge from his sturdy boots.
  • KICK BOOTS: You kick your sturdy boots at the ground, stirring up a small cloud of dust.
Name kicks his sturdy boots at the ground, creating a small cloud of dust.
  • MARCH BOOTS: You stomp your sturdy boots, sending dried mud and dirt flying about the area.
Name stomps his sturdy boots, sending dried mud and dirt flying about the area.
No polish You lick your finger and attempt to rub some dirt off your sturdy boots, but it doesn't do much good. Perhaps if you had some polish, you could do a better job.
Name works diligently and cleaning and polishing his sturdy boots.
Wrong polish You glance and the tan polish and sigh, wishing that you had the proper color to do the job right. You brush the dirt and grime from the sturdy boots and set to work polishing them. After considerable effort and time, you feel that the sturdy boots look a bit better.
Correct polish