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Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Needs descriptions of Elven and Fae woven silk
  • Please see Category:Incomplete articles for more articles that are incomplete.

Elothean silk

Extremely fine and light, and is made from special Elothean-bred silkworms that only eat lotus leaves (or blossoms?) that only a few Elothean artisans know the full process for creating.

Elven silk

Quote Abasha: "Elves make it."
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Fae woven silk

A diaphanous spidersilk handwoven by the Fae themselves. Note: also called Fae-spun silk and Fae-woven silk.
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A fabric containing red silk threads that cause the fabric to shimmer with red fire as the light catches it.
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A Kaldar invention from their homeland of Albaria, so called because of the silvery white warp threads that glitter icily against the metallic threads used in the weft of the loom.
Example - The silvery white warp threads of the cloak glitter icily against the lavender-hued metallic threads used in the weft of the loom.
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A more in depth post about Icesilk, what it can be used for and how it is made can be found here - [[1]]


A type of gossamer silk that is harvested from the sand spiders of the Velaka. Has a rough texture, and only comes in desert hues. Very strong and malleable.
Only one merchant is known to work with it, named Hhtuassa. She only works for S'Kra Murs.
It is a gossamer, harvested by Hhtuassa and several other weavers of Velaka. Rather a difficult material to produce.
It is produced from sand spiders fed on a diet of yeehar blood laced with fiber from the iroepi root and hhyssk'et berry. The result is khiynit. Very strong, yet maleable.


Marblesilk is a product of a specific Prydaen family that is made as a solid piece. It is created as one solid piece, and any attempt to cut it into smaller pieces (such as for alterations) will cause it to completely unravel.[1]
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A very pale blue silk with an opalescent sheen, stone-washed to give it a heavy texture and a slight nap.
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Musparan silk

Silk crafted in Muspar'i, said to be the best quality silk that can be obtained.


A unique form of spidersilk, harvested specifically from the black spiders that live within the mists of the Forest of Night. Identical to spidersilk, but is supposedly easier to dye black.
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Nightreaver/Nightweaver/Nightstalker silk

Thick, strong silks with a very high luster. Comes from the corresponding types of unyns.
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A specially processed, magical form of silk that absorbs light rather than reflecting it.
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Silk harvested from spiders, particularly the larger ones, and processed using secret techniques invented by Demosel. Creates an incredibly strong but lightweight material.


A strong silk with strands of steel in the weave used for the reinforcement of seams and containers.
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A fabric containing spun platinum and tarnished silver warp threads ranging in color from black to grey to silver that give it a stormy look, making the fabric appear to crackle with electricity when the light catches it.
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A supple fabric-like material that drapes and shimmers beautifully, holding the lustre of silk and movement of water.
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