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'''Trap Appearance:''' Within the casing of the wooden strongbox is a mesh bag, a very sharp blade poised to the side just within the structure of the strongbox. The bag twitches on occasion, leading you to believe the blade's presence likely to be a very bad thing.<br />
'''Trap Appearance:''' Within the casing of the wooden strongbox is a mesh bag, a very sharp blade poised to the side just within the structure of the strongbox. The bag twitches on occasion, leading you to believe the blade's presence likely to be a very bad thing.<br />
'''Area Affect:''' ?<br />
'''Area Affect:''' ?<br />
'''Success result:''' After carefully pushing at the sharp blade for a while, you manage to bend it well away from the mesh bag.<br />
'''Failure Result:'''<br />
'''Failure Result:'''<br />
*Harvestable part :
*Harvestable part :


Revision as of 15:07, 3 June 2010

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This is a list of the various box traps that can be found.

Deadly (Damaging)

Acid Trap

Trap Appearance: As you look closely, you notice a tiny hole right next to the lock which looks to be a trap of some kind.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Sprays a random body part with acid. Will damage armor if some is worn on that part, but will prevent wounds and vitality damage


Trap Appearance: Within the casing of the wooden strongbox is a mesh bag, a very sharp blade poised to the side just within the structure of the strongbox. The bag twitches on occasion, leading you to believe the blade's presence likely to be a very bad thing.
Area Affect: ?
Success result: After carefully pushing at the sharp blade for a while, you manage to bend it well away from the mesh bag.
Failure Result:

  • Harvestable part :


Trap Appearance: A glistening black square, surrounded by a tight ring of fibrous cord, catches your eye.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Explodes the box causing damage to the hands and eyes.

Bug (Reaper) Trap

Trap Appearance: A crust-covered black scarab of some unidentifiable substance clings to the <material> <box> by six tiny legs, all of which are firmly imbedded into the <wood/metal> and look like it may be tough to dig them out.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Summons about 3 vykathi reapers, who appear at melee range with the locksmith. They do not share the locksmith's roundtime for the disarm attempt.

Crossbolt Trap

Trap Appearance: You find a series of openings on the front of the <box> concealing the points of several wickedly barbed crossbow bolts.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Fires numerous crossbow bolts at the target, evasion skill affect how many hit, the amount shot is based off the difficulty of the box.

Crossbolt Trap (Poison)

Trap Appearance: You find a series of openings on the front of the box concealing the points of several crossbow bolts glistening with moisture.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Fires numerous poisoned crossbow bolts at the target, evasion skill affect how many hit, the amount shot is based off the difficulty of the box.

Concussion Trap

Trap Appearance: Right above the lock inside the keyhole, you see a tiny metal tube just poking out of a small wad of brown clay.
Area Affect: Yes
Failure Result:
Explodes, possibly blasting some victims out of the room. All will receive internal head wounds, causing repeated ringing in the ears, accompanied by roundtime. The locksmith will also have hand wounds.

Cyanide Trap

Trap Appearance: The glint of silver from the tip of a dart and a slight smell of almonds catches your attention as you go over the <box>.

The glint of silver from the tip of a dart catches your attention as you go over the <box>.

Whether or not a character is able to smell almonds is randomly determined upon character creation, and once set, is fixed.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Shoots a tiny dart into forehead. Inflicts cyanide poison. Dart can be tended out and used as a weapon.

Disease Trap

Trap Appearance: While inspecting the <box> patiently, you see what appears to be a small, swollen animal bladder recessed inside the keyhole.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Infects the locksmith with disease.

Flea Trap

Trap Appearance: Imbedded in the front of the iron <box> is a small glass tube of milky-white opacity. Small black dots bounce inside, though the lack of transparency makes it impossible to be certain what they are.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result: You wiggle the milky-white tube back and forth for a few moments in an attempt to remove it from the deobar box, but the sudden *SNAP* of breaking glass indicates you were less than successful.

Like a Halfling blowing smoke rings, the deobar box spits several clouds of coarse black powder onto you. As the powder scurries quickly into your clothing, you realize it was actually a swarm of fleas, and a big one at that!
Causes to Disarmer to be covered in fleas that inflict vitality damage and random Roundtimes. You will need to find a body of water at least ankle deep (or a Warrior Mage with Water Globe) to wash away the fleas.

Gas Trap (Poison)

Trap Appearance: You notice a vial of lime green liquid just under the <box>'s lid. The stopper is attached so that the vial will open when the top is lifted.
Area Affect: Yes
Failure Result:
Releases a cloud of Chlorine gas that will poison everyone in the room. There is a chance that the locksmith will inhale all the gas upon its release, preventing the gas cloud in the room.

Lightning Trap

Trap Appearance: Looking closely into the keyhole, you spy what appears to be a pulsating ball with some sort of metal lacing around it. The lacing runs to meet a coin sized piece of metal near the keyhole itself.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Shoots a lightning bolt at the locksmith. Can be amplified if set off in water.

Naphtha Soaker

Trap Appearance: Searching the <box> carefully, you notice a small notch beside a tiny metal lever on the front. Though it's hard to see, there also appears to be a liquid-filled bladder inside the notch.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
A two stage trap. First Failure soaks the Disarmer in naptha. Second failure will ignite the naptha causing damage to various parts of the body and inflicting a hefty damage to vitality. The naptha will eventually evaporate if it's not ignited.

Naphtha Trap

Trap Appearance: A tiny striker is cleverly concealed under the lid, set to ignite a frighteningly large vial of naphtha.
Area Affect: Yes
Failure Result:
Explodes in a large fireball. Can harm others in the room, but they have a chance of avoiding it.

Poison (Local)

Trap Appearance: You notice a tiny needle with a greenish discoloration on its tip hidden next to the keyhole.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Inflicts standard poison in either hand.

Poison (Nerve)

Trap Appearance: You notice a tiny needle with a rust colored discoloration on its tip hidden next to the keyhole.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Inflicts nerve poison.

Scythe Trap

Trap Appearance: Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a glint of razor sharp steel hidden within a suspicious looking seam on the <box>.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Chops off a random hand giving a very heavy bleeder.

Shocker Trap

Trap Appearance: You notice two silver studs right below the keyhole which look dangerously out of place there.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Discharges an electrical bolt at the Disarmer. Causes Nerve and vitality damage and inflicts a stun.

Shrapnel Trap

Trap Appearance: Squinting slightly to see better, you notice the <box>'s keyhole is packed tightly with a powder around the insides of the lock.
Area Affect: Yes
Failure Result:
Explodes, casting shrapnel at anyone in the room. The shards seem to pass all the way through the locksmith, but lodge in bystanders.

Teleport Trap

Trap Appearance: The hinges of the <material> <box> are covered with a thin metal circle that has been lacquered with a shade of <deep ebony/bluish azure/bright crimson>.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Casts the Teleport spell on the locksmith. If the associated moon (see the color of the disc) is down, the locksmith is disintegrated. If the moon is up, they are teleported to a random one of several predetermined locations within nearby hunting grounds. The harder the box, the longer the potential range of the teleport.


Bouncing Box

Trap Appearance: Looking into the keyhole you see what seems to be a pin lodged against the tumblers of the lock. Connected to the pin is a small shaft that runs downward into a shadow.
Failure Result: Without warning, a <box> begins to shake violently!
The box will bounce from room to room and eventually destroys the box. Will toss out the contents of the box as it's bouncing, one per room (may take several bounces to start), until it runs out, upon which it is destroyed. (At the moment the box doesn't actually spit out any treasure. This is due to the box changes that made treasure spawn within the box at the moment it is lockpicked.)
Area Affect: No
Harvestable Part: a steel pin

Curse Trap

Trap Appearance: While checking the caddy with an careful eye, you notice a small glowing rune hidden inside the box near the lock.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Curses the box and contents so that it can not be dropped/stowed/dismantled. You will need a Cleric with Uncurse to break the curse or a Warrior Mage with Flashpoint. Eventually the curse on the box itself will fade, but the items inside will remain cursed.

Frog Trap

Trap Appearance: While checking the <box> with a careful eye, you notice a lumpy green rune hidden inside the <box> near the lock.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result: Slowly, you push on the green rune and attempt to move it away from the lock, but your finger slips slightly causing you to rub it. It glows a bright green then dims and you notice the world around you has gotten much bigger!
Turns the locksmith into a warty toad. Being kissed will change them back. Will wear off by itself after a few minutes.

Gas Trap (Laughing)

Trap Appearance: Examining the box for traps reveals a tiny glass tube filled with a black gaseous substance of some sort and a tiny hammer at the ready to do what it was designed for.
Area Affect: Yes
Failure Result:
Causes anyone in the room to randomly tell jokes. May cause Roundtimes or cause a character to drop to his/her knees.

Mana Sucker

Trap Appearance: While checking the box for traps, you notice a bronze seal over the box's lock. The seal is covered in strange runes and a glass sphere is embedded within it.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Drains mana and keeps it there for a few minutes. Uncurse can be used to prematurely end the effect.

Mime Trap

Trap Appearance: A tiny bronze face, Fae in appearance, grins ridiculously from its place on the <material> <box>. Some sort of fatty bladder sticks out from the edges of this miniature metallic visage.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result: You attempt to pull the annoying grinning face from the trunk and clumsily shred the fatty bladder behind it in the process.

A black cloud of ash and soot explodes out of the bladder on the steel trunk, and you suddenly feel horribly transformed.
Turns the locksmith into a mime. Many actions will result in the mime acting as if stuck in an invisible box, with a 10-second roundtime. Some actions have specific mime interpretations. It will wear off after a time, or can be canceled by a Cleric with Uncurse.
Mime Verbs:

Shadowling Trap

Trap Appearance: While scanning the <box> with a careful eye, you notice a small black crystal deep in the shadows of the <material> <box>.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
With the precision and grace of a skilled craftsman, you grab the black crystal near the lock of the chest and toss it aside.
As the crystal hits the ground, what can only be described as "liquid shadows" begin to pour from it! With a sudden motion, they envelop you totally. You try to scream but no sound is heard. After a moment the shadows are gone and everything seems to be back to normal. You realize that despite this mishap, the chest still has more to torment you with..
Causes the locksmith to speak in gibberish. Does not affect gwethdesuan thoughts.

Sleeper Trap

Trap Appearance: Two sets of six pinholes on either side of the oaken coffer's lock indicate that something is awry.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result: Careful not to jostle the oaken coffer, you reach down and scoop a pinchful of dirt from the ground. You feel like you've done a good job of blocking up the pinholes, until you peer closely to examine your handywork. At that moment, small puffs of blue powder shoot out of the unblocked pinholes and into your face.
Almost immediately, you grow dizzy, tottering from side to side until finally collapsing to the ground, dead asleep.
This will cause you to fall asleep. You will have to WAKE up which takes about 30 seconds.
Harvestable Part: a capillary tube


Fae (thief) trap

Trap was removed during the recent update.
Trap Appearance: Right in the center of the <material> <box>'s front is the painted image of a small yet amazingly pretty Elf girl. Surprisingly, as you study the trap, her embossed lips purse as if offering up a kiss.
Area Affect: No
Failure Result:
Steals the last item in the locksmith's inventory and pulls it inside the trap. Currently replaces the contents of the box with the stolen item. Have heard this is a bug, as it used to add the item to the contents.

  • Harvestable part : a bronze disc