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* Hoggarm is not well versed in the Gods, but does think they sound pretty interesting. He's not clear why they owe so many people favors though.<br/>
* Hoggarm is not well versed in the Gods, but does think they sound pretty interesting. He's not clear why they owe so many people favors though.<br/>
'''2: How does your character feel about death?'''
'''2: How does your character feel about death?'''
* Death holds no true meaning to Hoggarm due to a misunderstanding about Cleric's being able to raise people. This has led him to think anyone staying dead is just because the Clerics got lazy. He also thinks the "undead" are due to a Cleric ressurecting them incorrectly.<br/>
* Death holds no true meaning or fear to Hoggarm due to a misunderstanding about Cleric's being able to raise people. Combined with a far more "in the moment" existence means that he hasn't put a lot of deep thought into it.
* He also tends to think anyone staying dead is just because a Cleric got lazy and hasn't raised them yet, or because they needed to know more Alchemy since that can fix a furry or Tog right up after biting the dust. Obviously.
* He also thinks the "undead" are due to a Cleric resurrecting them incorrectly.<br/>
'''3: Does your character have any fears? Any secret fears or would they share this feeling with friends?'''
'''3: Does your character have any fears? Any secret fears or would they share this feeling with friends?'''
* Cavities. Like most Sent-Togs he has had a phobia-like level of fear instilled regarding poor dental hygiene.<br/>
* Cavities. Like most Sent-Togs he has had a phobia-like level of fear instilled regarding poor dental hygiene.<br/>
'''4: Does your character feel love? How would they express this?'''
'''4: Does your character feel love? How would they express this?'''
* Yes. Despite his unintential vocation, Hoggarm is still... well, Hoggarm. He loves everyone and almost everything. Except cavities and anyone who might be the cause of or accessory to cavities.<br/>
* Yes. Despite his unintentional vocation, Hoggarm is still... well, Hoggarm. He loves everyone and almost everything. Except cavities and anyone who might be the cause of or accessory to cavities.<br/>
'''5: Does your character feel hate? How would they express that?'''
'''5: Does your character feel hate? How would they express that?'''
* Not in the traditional sense. It's more of an intense disappointment and rage... that last until his attention shifts to something else.<br/>
* Not in the traditional sense. It's more of an intense disappointment and rage... that last until his attention shifts to something else.<br/>

Latest revision as of 23:32, 8 February 2021

OOC Information

The information below is taken Out of Character (OOC) for reference.

1: What God(s)/Goddess(s), if any, does your character worship, how do they worship, and why?

  • Hoggarm is not well versed in the Gods, but does think they sound pretty interesting. He's not clear why they owe so many people favors though.

2: How does your character feel about death?

  • Death holds no true meaning or fear to Hoggarm due to a misunderstanding about Cleric's being able to raise people. Combined with a far more "in the moment" existence means that he hasn't put a lot of deep thought into it.
  • He also tends to think anyone staying dead is just because a Cleric got lazy and hasn't raised them yet, or because they needed to know more Alchemy since that can fix a furry or Tog right up after biting the dust. Obviously.
  • He also thinks the "undead" are due to a Cleric resurrecting them incorrectly.

3: Does your character have any fears? Any secret fears or would they share this feeling with friends?

  • Cavities. Like most Sent-Togs he has had a phobia-like level of fear instilled regarding poor dental hygiene.

4: Does your character feel love? How would they express this?

  • Yes. Despite his unintentional vocation, Hoggarm is still... well, Hoggarm. He loves everyone and almost everything. Except cavities and anyone who might be the cause of or accessory to cavities.

5: Does your character feel hate? How would they express that?

  • Not in the traditional sense. It's more of an intense disappointment and rage... that last until his attention shifts to something else.

6: Who are the important people in your characters life? Why?

  • There are figures in his life that are important, but trying to decipher his names for them to match with the actual people can be... challenging.

7: Does your character have any material possessions that they cherish? Why?

  • Yes, and they most likely belonged to you 5 minutes ago. He's a kleptomaniac with no attention span worth mentioning. What's important and cherished now is forgotten shortly thereafter.

8: Why does your character belong to the guild they are a part of?

  • A series of complete misunderstandings, poor communication, and boredom. He's doesn't really get what he joined and is fairly sure it's an Alchemy club of some sort for people with a lot of chores.

9: Does your character respect his/her guildleader? Why or why not?

  • Not really. Remember, he doesn't even truly realize he's in a Guild. He thinks the Guild Leader is just another Alchemist with too many chores that he doesn't seem to actually ever do. That's just being lazy to Hoggarm's way of thinking.

10: Does your character dream when they sleep? What about?

  • He does, but he never really remembers them. They're always filled with strange things that he doesn't even bother to try and figure out.
  • In totally un-related news, many eldritch abominations from beyond the Plane of Abiding have just given up trying to use Hoggarm as a conduit into Elanthia. It just isn't worth the headache.

11: Does your character have any secrets that _no one_ would know about?

  • Only in the sense that he hasn't spilled them yet out of total chance. He has no filter or sense that he should keep some things secret. What he does have is a thought process that makes it exceedingly difficult to follow what secrets he spills and make sense of them.

12: Does your character have an ambition or goal in life? If so, what is it?

  • Hoggarm wants to be the best Sent-Tog Alchemist ever, and discover better ways to fix some-furry and Tog, and to finish all his chores.

13: Does your character drink alcohol? If so, how does it affect them? Do they know when to stop?

  • He does, but no one is actually sure what the difference between him sober and drunk is. Perhaps the only real evidence is the slight increase in small squished things left in his wake when drunk.

14: Is your character a leader, or a follower?

  • He will always defer to the wisdom of Dwarves, as a good Sent-Tog should, as well as anyone that has earned his respect. It really doesn't mean much though as following only occurs so long as he's paying attention. Which is to say almost never.

15: What is your character's favorite food/drink? Why?

  • Turnips. Any and all Turnips. Even those highly suspect red ones. This might explain a thing or two.

16: What is your character's fondest childhood memory?

  • A togball game... maybe? He's much more of an "in the moment" kind of Tog than a "memory lane" kind.

17: What would your character forget forever if they could?

  • Not really an issue for Hoggarm.

18: What makes your character laugh?

  • Virtually anything, but he has a real funny bone for finger puppets for some reason.

19: What makes your character cry?

  • A dwarf telling him he's not taking care of his dental hygiene well enough. He tries damn it!

20: What is your character's favorite season/color/song/town/place in all the world?

  • The one with all the snow and ice. No one is sure if he means the season or a place.

21: Does your character have a positive body image?

  • This is so far outside any of his thought processes it's not even funny.

22: Can your character carry a tune?

  • No clue, but it doesn't factor into his occasionally bursting into song when it strikes his fancy.

23: Does your character have any permanent physical deformities?

  • Not currently, but who knows what accidentally going down the rabbit hole of Necromancy may bring.

24: Does your character bathe often?

  • As a good Sent-Tog he does bathe at least once a week...or month. ...Look he's got a lot of chores to do and may occasionally forget to stop and bathe. He's a good Sent-Tog damn it!

25: Does your character like to dance?

  • Very much. He's wanted in several legal jurisdictions for damages and injuries related to such, but he does love to dance.

26: Does your character have manners?

  • He was taught manners, yes...

27: Can your character read or write?

  • Yes, and very well... in short bursts... on subjects of interest... when the mood strikes him...

28: Does your character ever get sick? Are they whiney when they are ill or do they just deal with it?

  • As with most Togs he has an amazing resilience. He's also inadvertently exposed himself to things no mortal should and thus actually become even more resilient. It's frankly a bit disturbing.

29: Does your character have principles and ethics? What, if anything, would make your character abandon those principles? Is there a certain price your character could be paid that would allow them to abandon friends or loved ones?

  • Yes. Though it really doesn't take a lot of effort to present an argument that circumvents those principles and ethics or twists them to suit the moment's purpose. He's not so much naive, as... too open minded to alternate ideas.

30: Is there anything else about your character that [the GMs] should know?

  • Hoggarm is not stupid, very much the opposite. However, he's usually either so unfocused, or hyper-focused on a single thing, that he misses a lot of the blatantly obvious. There's also a very big, huge even, understanding gap of "furry things".
  • Most of his utter lack of comprehension of "furry things" comes from the sabotage he experienced while learning to be a "Sent-Tog". He honestly doesn't realize just how far off from the norm most of his grasp of reality is and trying to make him understand would be impossible.